The Role of Kindergarten in Homeschooling


Traditionally, kindergarten is the stage of childhood where children learn the basics of math, language arts, science, health and safety, and physical education. However, with homeschooling, the role of kindergarten is often deemed unnecessary, as children learn these skills through play.

Constrained and unconstrained skills

During the early years of life, children develop constrained and unconstrained skills. The two kinds of skills help students develop language, meaning, and comprehension. They also help children transition to the later stages of reading development.

ECRR 2 is an early literacy curriculum that places more emphasis on unconstrained skills. This includes vocabulary, comprehension, and composition. It also focuses on theme-based, rich content that builds critical thinking.

Children are expected to master foundational reading standards over time. Eventually, these standards get cooked into a sauce of independent reading. Ultimately, it is the reader’s understanding of the structure, meaning, and context of the text that matters most. These skills are the foundation for future academic success.

In order to develop these skills, children need to engage in meaningful routines. They also need to have opportunities to practice in authentic situations. Some of the skills are more difficult to measure than others.

Developmental and motivational levels of children

During the preschool years, children develop their cognitive abilities in a variety of ways. This includes developing a theory of mind, which is an important part of their overall learning.

The development of a theory of mind affects how children view others and how they interact with them. Specifically, young children begin to understand other people’s goals, which influences how they behave and what they expect from other people.

In contrast to adults, young children tend to be less strategic and more intuitive. This makes them ideal candidates for experimental inquiry, which is suited to their learning style.

One of the most significant things children learn in the preschool years is how to make others feel better. This is often associated with increased self-confidence and persistence. They are also more able to resolve conflicts without adult intervention.

Math, language arts, science, health and safety, and physical education

Several federal agencies have thrown their weight behind the benefits of physical education. For example, NASPE has put together the first two standards for K-12 physical education.

There are many reasons to include physical education in your school’s curriculum. The most obvious is that a physically fit student does better on tests, is more engaged in class, and exhibits better attention spans. Physical education is also a prerequisite for students with special needs. Having students participate in physical activities is also good for the school climate and can enhance instruction. Fortunately, most states mandate physical education in grades kindergarten through 12.

Physical education is not confined to the classroom. Many states allow students to participate in interscholastic sports and marching band activities. There are also many private entities that support strengthening physical education.

Learning through play

Using play to teach is a very important aspect of early childhood education. It fosters curiosity, self-regulation and social competence. Play also helps develop a child’s motor skills and language.

A recent report has analyzed 26 studies on learning through play from 18 countries. It found that children in disadvantaged communities have greater learning gains in social-emotional development and motor development than their peers. This suggests that playing can close achievement gaps.

Play-based learning experiences can also serve as a way to intervene when a child displays signs of a developmental delay or trauma. They can also offer opportunities for children to think through challenges and become more confident problem solvers.

Whether it’s building a fort or engaging in a game of make-believe, play fosters a child’s creativity. Play also teaches motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination.

Homeschooling makes the transitional role of kindergarten unnecessary

Educating your child at home may be the best way to prepare them for life outside of the traditional school setting. Not only is it a convenient way to keep your child from becoming overwhelmed or distracted, it can also be a more personalized experience.

Homeschooling is a trend across the globe. Many families start their home education programs as early as preschool, and some continue through high school. Some parents choose to homeschool for religious reasons, while others do it to give their children a more personal education.

Homeschooling may be best suited for families with young children who have special needs or who need to spend more time with their children. It may also be beneficial for older children who are in public school, but who are bored and want to learn something new. However, parents should consult their local school or support group for advice.

The Role of Kindergarten in Homeschooling
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