Month: June 2024

What Is Education Support?

Education support encompasses a broad range of activities and services that improve the quality, accessibility, and effectiveness of education. These can be provided by students, teachers, parents, volunteers, and experts. They can be designed to address specific needs, challenges, and opportunities in different educational systems and contexts.

Students can benefit from education support services by improving their academic and non-academic skills and increasing their motivation, confidence, and resilience. Education support services can also strengthen the capacity of educational institutions and systems to innovate and improve.

1. Identify your needs and goals.

When it comes to education support, there are many different types of services that can help you succeed in your educational endeavors. Identifying your needs and goals will help you narrow down your options and find the best service for you. For example, if you need academic assistance, you may want to consider getting a tutor or visiting a study center. Alternatively, if you need career guidance, you may want to consult with a counselor or attend a job fair.

Education support services play a vital role in improving learning outcomes, addressing opportunities and challenges, and strengthening educational institutions and systems. However, they require careful planning and coordination to ensure that they are effective and relevant in various contexts and environments. This includes ensuring quality and equity, managing costs and resources, promoting innovation and collaboration, and fostering a culture of learning and accountability. In addition, it is essential that policymakers are knowledgeable and responsive to the needs of learners and educators when influencing and regulating education support services.

2. Research your options.

There are many different education support services available, and each has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. To find the right one for you, it’s important to research your options carefully and make an informed decision. You can do this by asking for recommendations from teachers, counselors, peers, or family members, or by searching online for reviews and testimonials.

Educational support services are a complex and dynamic field that can provide many benefits, including improving learning outcomes, enhancing access and equity, fostering innovation and collaboration, and strengthening accountability and governance. However, they also face a number of challenges, such as ensuring quality and relevance, managing costs and resources, and coordinating with multiple stakeholders. It’s therefore important to continuously evaluate and improve these services to ensure that they are responsive to the needs and context of learners, educators, and educational systems. To do this, schools should establish clear roles and responsibilities, communication channels, and referral systems, as well as involve students and educators in the coordination and evaluation of education support services.

3. Engage with the service.

Education support services can help students overcome academic, personal, and social challenges that may interfere with their learning and development. These services can include counseling and mentoring, academic tutoring and enrichment, and career guidance. These services can also provide opportunities for students to develop life skills, such as goal-setting, time management, and self-regulation.

In addition, education support services can strengthen educational institutions and systems by promoting and monitoring policies, programs, and initiatives that promote equity, inclusion, and quality in education. They can also connect students and educators with relevant resources, communities, and networks.

Finally, education support services can enhance teacher quality by providing them with training, coaching, and consultation on various aspects of teaching, including curriculum, pedagogy, and student achievement. This can lead to improved teacher performance, satisfaction, and retention. Moreover, it can improve student outcomes by increasing the number of high-quality teachers in schools.

4. Make the most of the service.

Educators and students can benefit from education support services in a variety of ways. These services can help address student needs and improve learning outcomes by providing academic, behavioral, emotional, and career-related support. They can also help strengthen educational institutions and systems by improving their organizational culture, climate, and performance.

In addition to addressing student needs, education support services can help teachers improve their teaching and professional growth. This can be done through training, coaching, mentoring, and communities of practice. In addition, these services can help teachers enhance their classroom environments and pedagogy by providing resources and materials.

ESPs are an important part of every school community, and we need to celebrate them and their work! Reach University is leveraging this undervalued resource by creating an online platform that connects students with ESPs who can provide them with personalized support and guidance on their self-directed learning journey. These experts can help them navigate education options like tuition tax credits, empowerment scholarships, open enrollment programs, microschools, and homeschooling.

The Purpose of Schools

Schools teach students how to interact with other people, which is helpful no matter what they do in life. They also expose students to different cultures and ways of thinking, which can be beneficial in their lives.

School can be boring, but there are ways to make it more fun. Ask your parents or older siblings for help with subjects you struggle with.

Educational Purposes

The purpose of school is to develop knowledge and skills that will help students lead productive and fulfilling lives. It can also foster critical thinking and personal growth. There are many different purposes of education, but a few stand out above the rest: academic (intellectual), political and civic, and economic.

Schools should connect with the world of work and offer a wide range of real-world experiences, including projects, extracurricular activities, internships, and externships. This will give students a clearer sense of what they’re learning for, why it matters, and how it can translate into the real world.

Educational institutions should also celebrate and support student cultures, and promote cultural tolerance and coexistence. This will give young people a stronger sense of belonging, and send them the message that they are capable. This is particularly important for children who have received negative messages about their abilities from their peers or families. They need to know that their schools believe in them and are willing to support their success.

Physical Structure

School infrastructure is important for teaching and learning. It is one of the six key components of a health-promoting school. School buildings need to be safe, clean and conducive to learning.

Schools also need to be equipped with adequate furniture and other classroom facilities. The age of the building can be a factor, as older schools may not be well-equipped with modern educational methods.

A traditional school structure uses a top-down approach that focuses on the policies of the district and delegates responsibilities to the principal and then teachers. This type of structure can have a negative impact on teacher attitudes and teaching styles.

Students with autism benefit from physical structure in their classrooms and other settings. The amount of structure required should be individualized to the student’s needs. For example, a student with autism might work better with a one to one teaching table and an independent work desk with a screen or divider to reduce distractions.


In the last decade, schools have hired more employees in various roles than ever before. However, it’s unclear whether these additions have boosted student achievement levels.

This is largely because these workers are often invisible to students and their families. Data on educator support staff — which includes psychologists, counselors, and social workers — is scarce and lags behind that on teachers.

It’s important for school leaders to consider the role that teacher-support staff plays in classrooms and how it may impact students’ lives. In order to retain these key team members, it’s crucial for administrators to treat their staff with respect and pay them competitive wages. If they can do so, these workers will be more likely to stay on at their current jobs, and in turn, help schools reach their full potential.


School funding is the lifeblood of any education system. The funding provided by local property taxes and state governments help pay for educational supplies, textbooks, equipment, teacher salaries and other resources for students.

Federal funds make up a smaller share of the overall picture, but they do provide important supports for students. Changing either the amount of federal money or how it is distributed can put strains on schools.

Obtaining funding for new projects requires carefully planning how to approach prospective donors. Reviewing a grant’s requirements, including the desired goals and expected outcomes, will help guide the project scope. The proposal should also include a project abstract, a description of the population to be served and contact information for your team.

When requesting funding, it can be helpful to have others in your corner to bounce ideas off of, such as school administrators or principals. Also, consider contacting vendors who sell educational resources. Vendor reps often have good connections to school funders and can offer advice for the grant application process.

The Essentials of Kindergarten

Kindergartners learn their letters and their sounds, as well as basic math skills like counting and comparing numbers and shapes. They also learn to work with other kids in a group setting.

Kindergarten is an important bridge between preschool and formal education. It offers a variety of learning opportunities to help kids develop physically, socially and emotionally.


In kindergarten, students learn about science through hands-on experiences. They might experiment with how magnets attract or repel each other, explore their neighborhood’s weather patterns and talk about what plants and animals need to survive.

They may also watch a caterpillar transform into a pupa and emerge as a butterfly, or observe the changes in a seed sprouting from a plant’s roots. These types of activities allow children to feel like scientists themselves—a feeling that can promote a lifelong love for science and encourage future career choices in a science field.

The bundled science standards created for kindergarten include Earth sciences (such as geology, soil and water), physical science (such as chemistry, matter and forces) and life sciences. In addition to their science learning, kindergartners develop and use their imaginations as they play with toys like pipe cleaners that can be bent into letters or numbers, make crystals from salt water, draw mazes for a marble to roll through, and measure objects by size and weight.

Social Studies

It’s vital for kids to learn about the world around them. Social studies teaches them how to identify and solve problems through essential questions, discussions, persuasive essays and more. It also helps them develop skills that are necessary for 21st century life, such as understanding the importance of diversity and empathy.

Early social studies includes learning about self, family, classroom, school and community and identifying how people are alike and different. It also explores basic geography concepts, including the differences between continents and oceans. And it introduces children to their national culture, focusing on values and symbols that make America unique, while promoting respect for other cultures.

Moreover, it’s important for children to understand civics and government, which helps them become informed citizens by engaging in democratic practices and processes and developing a sense of responsibility to their communities. These lessons help them understand how laws are made and why certain behaviors are considered appropriate in society.

Language Arts

Language Arts develop children’s communication skills, critical thinking and connection with the world. Through reading, writing, speaking and listening exercises, kids learn to express their ideas loudly and clearly, build upon existing knowledge and acquire new information, fostering cognitive development.

They practice alphabetic awareness, phonics and beginning sight words to build a solid foundation for reading. They read and listen to books, identifying characters, plots, and themes, while developing comprehension skills. They begin to understand the meaning of literature, focusing on author’s purpose, themes and symbolism.

Logic of English Foundations is a complete kindergarten language arts curriculum that covers reading, grammar, writing and vocabulary instruction. Students use Small Letter Cards and Chaining Folders to practice spelling words with the sound spellings they have been taught. They also print names, the alphabet and a few basic vocabulary words using left to right handwriting. These lessons introduce a variety of punctuation and capital letters, forming a foundation for writing.


In kindergarten, children start to build a foundation of math skills that will help them learn in future years. Yet math often takes a backseat to reading, teachers are unprepared to teach it and appropriate curricula, if available, can be scattershot or overly repetitive.

In the classroom, kindergarten students typically work on one-to-one correspondence with numbers up to 10, learning how to compare sets and use academic vocabulary to determine whether a number is greater than, less than or equal to another. They also begin to understand and count by tens, as well as learn to recognize two-dimensional shapes, such as circles, squares and rectangles.

In addition, kindergarten students will use a variety of manipulatives, such as blocks, beads and counters, to learn about geometry and other aspects of math, including data collection, graphing and patterning. This hands-on approach helps kids better represent, explain and connect abstract ideas in a real-world context. It is also a critical component to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills.

How to Use Reading Intervention to Build Students’ Motivation and Confidence

Reading intervention is a great way to build students’ motivation and confidence. Make sure to keep it fun and engaging!

The most important part of any reading program is building the students’ core skills. There are five core aspects of reading that need to be addressed: phonics, decoding, word reading, fluency and comprehension.


Phonics is the method of teaching students how letters and sounds work together to read. When a student learns phonics, they develop the ability to decode unfamiliar words, improve their spelling skills and build a foundation for reading comprehension.

In the study, teachers were provided a manual for an instructional reading program and all materials to conduct intervention sessions. The lessons were adapted to allow for pointing responses instead of verbalizing (see Tables 1, 2 for examples).

The students received two or more intervention sessions each week, lasting 20 minutes. The teachers and a doctoral student who served as a research assistant recorded procedural fidelity for each lesson. The teacher and the student then completed a pre-test and post-test to assess their skill level. During the baseline probe session, Lea had difficulty spelling words phonetically, but during the intervention phase she improved significantly. She was able to spell 12 of 14 words phonetically by the end of the study.


A student’s oral reading fluency is a good indicator of his or her overall reading ability. Students who demonstrate a poor word-correction rate on grade-level assessments may need a fluency intervention program to help improve their skills.

To build fluency, students should be engaged in repeated readings of short and meaningful passages. They should be timed and given systematic corrective feedback. It is also important to teach the components of fluent reading such as phrasing, intonation and expression.

Children can practise their spoken fluency by reading aloud to someone who is not their teacher or parent: a younger sibling, a peer in a lower year level, a grandparent, a friend or even a pet! They can also practise their written fluency by writing daily and focusing on one-minute timings. It’s a great idea to encourage children to write about things that interest them, so that their writing has natural flow and expression. Providing a supportive environment for these activities is crucial to building students’ confidence in their abilities.


Comprehension is a cognitive process that allows readers to connect and integrate their decoding skills with background knowledge, prior experiences, and literate understanding of the text. Research has shown that focusing solely on foundational word reading and bridging strategies (such as choral, echo, or paired reading) alone is not enough to foster comprehension development.

Educators can play an integral role in fostering comprehension development by teaching effective strategies and providing a supportive learning environment. The reading intervention resources and interventions in the Branching Minds library are all aligned with the MTSS framework, offering learners the appropriate learning support to meet their specific needs.

Understanding comprehension requires many different cognitive processes, including background knowledge, vocabulary, and text structure and organization. Incorporating all of these components in the classroom can help students build a deeper, more meaningful understanding of text. This can be achieved by implementing instructional practices that engage the whole child:


Vocabulary is the collection of words that people know and can use in their communication. Strong vocabulary skills help students understand concepts, make connections, and read more complex texts.

Teaching academic vocabulary in a meaningful context is critical for Reading intervention programs. Unlike basic or domain-specific vocabulary, academic vocabulary has multiple shades of meaning and can appear across many different genres and topics.

A growing body of research supports the effectiveness of using narrative interventions to teach academic vocabulary. In particular, Spencer et al. (2019) found that an academic vocabulary intervention embedded within a storytelling activity improved participants’ receptive picture and definitional vocabulary performance. However, the study’s multiple baseline design is likely to threaten internal validity, and more research using stronger research designs is needed to validate these findings.

To improve academic vocabulary instruction, teachers can provide students with opportunities to practice using new words and incorporating them into their speech and writing activities. They can also include vocabulary learning in subject-specific lessons and activities to provide relevance and motivation for students.

Mengupas Bocoran dan Prediksi Togel Hongkong Terbaru – Panduan Lengkap

Togel Hongkong merupakan salah satu permainan judi yang populer di Indonesia dan banyak diminati oleh masyarakat karena memberikan kesempatan untuk memenangkan hadiah besar. Dengan perkembangan teknologi, sekarang sudah bisa memainkan togel secara online melalui berbagai situs togel terpercaya. keluaran hk Banyak orang juga tertarik untuk mengetahui bocoran dan prediksi togel Hongkong terbaru agar bisa meningkatkan peluang menang dalam bertaruh.

Saat ini, informasi seputar keluaran dan pengeluaran togel Hongkong menjadi perhatian utama bagi para penggemar togel. Selain itu, adanya data hk yang akurat dan update sangat dibutuhkan dalam menganalisis angka-angka yang akan keluar. Dengan adanya live draw hk, para pemain bisa menyaksikan secara langsung hasil undian togel Hongkong pada hari tersebut. Semua hal ini menjadi bagian penting dalam strategi bermain togel yang baik dan terarah.

Pengenalan Togel Hongkong

Togel Hongkong, juga dikenal sebagai togel HK, merupakan permainan angka yang sangat populer di kalangan pecinta judi di Indonesia.
Permainan ini mengharuskan pemain menebak angka yang akan keluar pada hasil undian yang diadakan oleh Hongkong Pools setiap harinya.
Dengan perkembangan teknologi, togel Hongkong kini dapat dimainkan secara online melalui berbagai situs togel hongkong yang tersedia.

Bocoran dan Prediksi Togel Hongkong

Dalam dunia togel Hongkong, bocoran dan prediksi memainkan peran penting dalam menentukan kemungkinan angka yang akan keluar. Para pemain sering mencari informasi terbaru untuk meningkatkan peluang menang. Dengan data keluaran dan pengeluaran Hongkong yang akurat, pemain bisa membuat strategi taruhan yang lebih cerdas.

Live draw Hongkong menjadi sarana untuk menyaksikan langsung hasil undian, memberikan pengalaman interaktif kepada para penggemar togel. Seiring berjalannya waktu, situs-situs togel online semakin gencar menyediakan informasi update mengenai prediksi dan bocoran togel Hongkong agar memudahkan para pemain dalam membuat keputusan taruhan.

Prediksi togel Hongkong juga sering menjadi topik hangat di kalangan penggemar togel. Dengan analisis dan ramalan yang akurat, para pemain bisa merencanakan taruhan mereka dengan lebih matang. Bocoran terbaru dan prediksi Hongkong menjadi penuntun bagi mereka yang ingin memperoleh hasil yang menguntungkan.

Bandar Togel Hongkong Terpercaya

Ada banyak pilihan bandar togel Hongkong terpercaya di luar sana, tetapi sangat penting untuk memilih yang terbaik untuk pengalaman bermain togel Anda. Sebuah bandar togel yang terpercaya akan menawarkan layanan yang adil dan terjamin, sehingga Anda dapat bermain dengan tenang dan nyaman.

Ketika mencari bandar togel Hongkong terpercaya, pastikan untuk memeriksa reputasi dan ulasan dari pemain lain. Bandar yang baik akan memiliki reputasi yang baik di komunitas togel dan ulasan positif dari para pelanggannya.

Selain itu, bandar togel terpercaya juga harus menyediakan berbagai fitur, seperti kemudahan dalam proses deposit dan withdraw, dukungan pelanggan yang responsif, dan keamanan data yang baik. Dengan memilih bandar togel Hongkong yang terpercaya, Anda dapat menikmati pengalaman bermain togel yang lebih menyenangkan dan menguntungkan.

The Importance of Child Education

A good education is one of the best things you can do for your children. It increases their earning potential, helps them find satisfying jobs and improves their quality of life.

Physical education is essential for young children. Activities like climbing, running, playing with sand and exploring art materials help kids develop their physical skills.

Learning to Think for Yourself

In a society that relies on thinking, learning to think for yourself is critical. It’s what allows us to solve problems and make decisions, and it’s how we develop ideas that lead to inventions and new solutions.

To help kids develop these skills, child education often incorporates group projects and collaborative activities, which teach cooperation and problem-solving. Moreover, integrating age-appropriate technology like educational apps and games into playtime enhances digital literacy and fosters an interest in STEM subjects.

Effective child education also encourages children to explore their surroundings, which cultivates curiosity and a sense of wonder. It also includes a range of activities that enhance a kid’s imagination and creativity, such as imaginative play and art and music projects. These activities support physical development, nurture language and literacy skills, encourage thinking skills, and promote social and emotional growth. These are the foundations that will allow children to succeed in school and become productive members of society.

Learning to Respect Different Cultures

Developing respect for people from different cultures is a critical part of child education. Children who understand that everyone has a unique background and way of doing things are less likely to make judgments based on stereotypes. This can help them interact with their peers more easily and work together to solve problems in a diverse world.

In high-quality preschools, teachers plan activities that allow children to express their own cultures and learn about others’. Staff share about diverse cultures in small group activities and through books, and encourage children to ask questions.

They also teach children that mistakes are part of the learning process and they can improve on their own, using skills like analyzing, thinking critically, and planning. This enables children to develop essential life skills, such as emotional regulation, healthy self-esteem, and the ability to take risks. It also helps them develop socially and emotionally with their peers, and prepares them to tackle more complex challenges later in life.

Learning to Communicate

Communication is one of the most important skills that children learn, and it’s no different for adults. Children need to be able to express themselves clearly, understand others and adapt their language to fit the audience. It’s also a critical part of learning and building the Seven Essential Life Skills, and it’s not only a crucial aspect of teaching but it can help you with problem-solving and resolving conflict.

Encourage children to narrate their experiences throughout the day so they can attach words and meaning to what they see, hear and touch. Play games that require back and forth conversation and have children act out characters to retell stories to each other. Use open-ended questions rather than closed ones (eliciting yes/no responses), and make sure to adapt the questions to the level of your audience.

Check out our free Book Tips – a series of short guides for families and teachers designed to promote the Seven Essential Life Skills based on classic and diverse children’s books, available in English and Spanish. They address common behaviors that can be difficult to navigate, such as picky eating, bedtime fears and sibling rivalry.

Learning to Read

Developing early reading skills helps children become lifelong learners. Longitudinal studies have found that early readers get higher grades throughout grade school and beyond. They are better able to learn new information, understand and solve complex word problems, develop a wider vocabulary, communicate orally and write clearly.

To become fluent readers, children must move from sounding out letters to blending sounds together (i.e., d-o-g becomes dog) and then reading connected text. Teaching these skills takes time and patience. It’s also important to teach children the context for reading by introducing them to new stories every day.

Reading with children from a young age helps them build a stronger bond, increases self-confidence and lays the groundwork for moral literacy. It also strengthens existing links among brain cells and provides the basis for learning other subjects. This, in turn, leads to a lifetime of success in both academic and non-academic areas. Reading also provides a greater opportunity for social mobility, helping children to overcome disadvantage.

Education Support Services

Education support services provide students with tutoring, mentoring, counseling, and guidance. These services are available from different providers and organizations, including teachers, volunteers, and experts.

Education support interventions for children and adolescents with chronic health conditions can improve school engagement, educational/learning outcomes, and social-emotional functioning. These interventions can also help reduce absenteeism, which is associated with poorer academic achievement and career choices.

They foster school improvement

School improvement efforts require a collaborative approach that includes the entire school community. The goal of these efforts is to foster a positive and inclusive environment that supports students’ learning and growth. This can be accomplished by fostering family engagement and creating a supportive school culture.

Education support services can help foster school improvement by improving student outcomes, including academic performance and graduation rates. These services can also improve students’ attitudes and motivation to learn. However, they must be tailored to the unique needs and contexts of students and educators.

In addition, education support services need adequate resources and funding to ensure their quality and availability. This may require a more strategic allocation and distribution of public funds, as well as seeking alternative or additional sources of funding. For example, schools may partner with local businesses, organizations, or universities to provide additional resources and expertise. They can also seek grants and donations to support education support initiatives.

They enhance teacher quality

Education support services can enhance the quality of teachers by promoting their mental and physical health. This can be done through offering a comprehensive benefits package, which includes access to disability coverage and paid family leave. It can also help teachers feel more empowered and confident in their roles as educators.

However, education support services can be challenged by a lack of resources and funding. This may be due to insufficient allocation and distribution of public funds or inadequate partnerships with local businesses or organizations. In addition, a lack of coordination and collaboration among different stakeholders can lead to duplication, fragmentation, and gaps in service delivery.

Education support workers play a vital role in shaping students’ outlook on life and building a solid foundation for their future careers. They deserve to be recognized for their efforts and dedication. To do this, schools can provide benefits like service scholarships and loan forgiveness programs that cover all or a significant percentage of tuition and encourage educators to teach in underserved areas.

They help students achieve their academic goals

Education support services can help students develop both academic and non-academic skills, such as communication, collaboration, and self-regulation. These services can also help students cope with stress and anxiety related to their learning. They can also provide students with emotional and social support, which can be especially beneficial for marginalized or underrepresented groups.

In addition, education support can help teachers enhance their performance and satisfaction. These services include mentoring, coaching, and training on topics such as pedagogy, leadership, and school improvement. They can also help teachers improve their professional development and career opportunities.

To effectively deliver education support services, administrators must ensure that they are well coordinated and collaborative. This may require establishing clear roles and responsibilities, communication channels, and referral systems among different service providers. They should also involve learners and educators in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of these services. Moreover, they should identify and address barriers and challenges to accessing these services.

They support school staff

Education support is a complex and multifaceted field that can help students reach their full potential. It requires collaboration, coordination, and innovation to meet learners’ needs and address challenges in education systems. This includes expanding the role of support staff to include academic advisors, tutors, mentors, and career counselors. It also involves leveraging technology to enable learners to collaborate and learn from each other.

School district leaders should recognize the importance of education support workers and make sure they are valued. They should invite them to community events and other school-wide celebrations, and promote a culture of inclusivity and kindness for all.

Teachers should also strive to maintain healthy collegiate relationships and develop resilience. This can be done by building a supportive network and engaging in regular exercise, eating well, and getting enough sleep. They should also seek out colleagues who energise and inspire them. It is important to have a clear sense of purpose and to be part of a positive school community.

The Importance of Schools

Schools are educational institutions that provide students with a variety of learning experiences. They often specialize in teaching certain subjects or disabilities. Schools can also offer career fairs and college visits to help students find a future career.

Attending school regularly helps children become more responsible and develop interpersonal skills. In addition, it gives them a chance to meet people their age and make lifelong friends.


School is one of the most important ways that a society passes its values and knowledge to the next generation. In addition, schools help students understand their own culture and learn to respect the diversity of other cultures. In this way, they can be part of a democratic society.

Formal education is conducted in a classroom setting in an academic institution and follows a set curriculum. It is also known as pedagogy, the science of teaching. Informal learning can occur outside of a formal educational setting, such as through family and community activities.

In the nineteenth century, European societies sought to create a uniform, national curriculum. The development of normal schools, or teacher-training institutions, was a response to this need. These schools aimed to train teachers with a strict, standards-based curriculum and ensure that all students were taught the same material. The null curriculum is the list of books, subjects, and ideas that are consciously excluded from the official curriculum.


In schools, students are socialized in multiple ways. The curriculum they learn is a key agent, as are their interactions with teachers and classmates. In addition, school rules are an important part of the socialization process. They are often enforced through a zero tolerance policy, wherein students are punished for any violations of the code.

In addition to fostering a sense of belonging and community, socialization promotes collaboration among students. This helps students develop essential skills that will help them succeed in their academic careers. In fact, studies have shown that students who socialize perform better in their classes than those who do not.

Many scholars have emphasized that schools impart a hidden curriculum, which encourages children to accept the cultural values of the society in which they live. These include patriotism, competition in the form of academic rat races and peer pressure, and a desire to serve the capitalist economy. However, other scholars have criticized this view, arguing that the hidden curriculum is more often a result of teachers’ behaviors than of students’ innate personalities and abilities.

Personality development

Personality development is a crucial aspect of a student’s education. It helps them build a strong foundation that will support their career and life goals. In addition to boosting their confidence, it also teaches them how to manage difficult situations and make wise decisions.

The personality of a student is shaped by many different factors, including school atmosphere and educational environment. It is important for students to develop their personalities at an early age, so they can be a successful professional and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Personality development programs help students to develop a positive attitude, which is essential for success in the workplace. They can learn how to dress professionally, speak clearly, and leave a good impression on others. They will also learn how to communicate with their peers and teachers. They will be able to take the right decisions and overcome challenges in life. These skills will also improve their overall health and well-being.

Job training

Job training in schools is a way for students to gain practical work experience before they graduate. This type of learning involves shadowing seasoned employees and gradually taking on the tasks themselves under supervision. It helps students develop the skills and confidence needed to excel in their future careers.

Another type of job training is an internship. Internships are often unpaid but offer valuable networking and resume-building opportunities for college students. They also help students identify their interests and career goals. In some cases, internships can convert into full-time employment.

Apprenticeships are a more structured form of on-the-job training. They combine classroom learning with hands-on practice and take about 3-4 years to complete. They are a great option for people who don’t want to go to school but still want to enter their chosen field of work. In addition to hands-on training, apprenticeships include a formal education in the subject matter and a set of competencies that employers expect from their new hires.

The Importance of Physical Development and Social-Emotional Development in Kindergarten

At this level kids are exploring, working together and learning to communicate with one another. They also become more independent and confident, taking on new challenges that help them develop their thinking skills.

Kindergartners learn to identify two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, and begin the early stages of writing. They also start to count using objects like blocks, beads and stickers.


Many kindergarten teachers use a combination of play and structured, academic activities to teach their students. They may help children identify letters, count objects, build structures, and sing songs. Kindergartners are also encouraged to express their ideas creatively, so they might paint, draw, or even invent stories. Some schools offer sports programs for kids in kindergarten, too.

In kindergarten, kids learn to respect the teacher’s authority and follow rules. They work on verbal communication skills by listening carefully and asking questions. They also practice problem-solving and teamwork. Teachers support their emotional development by helping them recognize and talk about their emotions and show concern for others.

Some parents and educators worry that kindergarten classrooms have become too academic, and they are concerned about the effect of this trend on children’s well-being. However, recent research supports the stance that challenging academic content in early grades isn’t at odds with children’s social-emotional development. In fact, it can be just as important.

Social & Emotional Development

Children who have healthy social-emotional skills are better able to form and maintain close relationships, soothe themselves when they’re upset, share and play well with others, and enjoy exploring new environments. Their ability to do so also predicts their academic success in school and life beyond.

Help your child practice social-emotional skills at home through conversations, questions, role play and activities with friends. Download the Thinking About Social Emotional Development handout from Penn GSE to learn more about 14 social-emotional learning skills that your kindergartener will be working on throughout the year, and ways you can reinforce these skills at home.

One of the first big lessons for your kindergartener is how to share appropriately with classmates. They will need to share toys, materials and attention with their peers in the classroom. It’s normal for preschoolers to struggle with this initially, but you can work with them on how to express their emotions verbally, and encourage them to try more constructive ways of handling conflict with peers.

Physical Development

Physical development encompasses the growth of children’s bodies as well as their ability to use and control them. This includes both gross (large muscle movements) and fine (small movement) motor skills. Children develop these skills when they play with the environment, move around and engage in physical activities like running, jumping, hopping and throwing a ball.

As infants and toddlers learn about the world around them, they explore it through their physical senses of sight, touch, smell, sound and taste. They also begin to develop their motor skills through everyday experiences such as sitting, standing and walking.

As children grow, they develop their coordination and physical abilities by engaging in enriching experiences, such as playing sports and dance, exercising regularly and participating in other physical activities. Learn more about the typical physical development milestones for each age range and how to support children’s needs in the classroom by reviewing the resources outlined in the reference section of this lesson.

Independence & Self-Assurance

Children love independence and it’s important for their confidence and self-assurance. Fostering independence can also help kids become empathetic by understanding the impact their actions have on others. This maturity is crucial for social and academic success throughout childhood, adolescence, and beyond.

A good place to start is to give your child small tasks to complete independently. This can be anything from packing their own lunch to choosing what outfit to wear. Give them short periods of time to practice and struggle, but be there to support them and validate their emotions.

This will allow them to solve problems on their own and grow from the experience. It also helps them to view challenges as puzzles that they can solve rather than feeling like a setback. By building this confidence and independence, you’re setting them up for a successful future full of possibilities.

The Importance of Reading Intervention

Reading intervention is a process that helps students who are struggling with reading to progress quickly through the essential skills. These essential skills include phonemic awareness, phonics and fluency.

The inquiry found that most school boards offer interventions, but they vary in how they deliver them, their eligibility criteria and whether or not they include all the key skills needed to develop foundational word-reading accuracy and fluency.

Formative Assessments

Formative assessments provide a rich source of information to inform reading instruction. They empower teachers to understand students’ learning needs and adjust their instructional strategies, according to Voyager Sopris.

Formative assessment focuses on evaluating student understanding often (daily), in real time so misconceptions can be unveiled and remediation implemented immediately. This is a very different approach from summative, or outcome, assessment, which is typically a standardized test of student achievement or proficiency.

The results of this study indicate that, even with a relatively small sample size (n = 250), formative assessment makes a modest, positive difference in enhancing student reading performance. It also indicates that, when other features are controlled for, the integration of teacher-directed and student-directed formative assessment is more effective than either type of formative assessment in isolation.

Diagnostic Assessments

Effective assessments clarify what students need to learn, elicit evidence of their learning and interpret the meaning of test scores. They are designed to identify skill gaps and guide instruction that is matched to student needs.

Reading ability doesn’t reduce to a single score as many screening tools and benchmark tests assume; instead, it is a complex set of skills: comprehension strategies, vocabulary, sight word recognition, phonics and fluency. Using formal diagnostic tools (like the ones included on our approved Early Literacy Diagnostic List) provides more accurate information about a student’s reading abilities.

These tools provide information at a very specific level and often include a benchmark cut score, which is determined by research that indicates the score that children must meet to have an 80 – 90% probability of meeting future goals. They also provide ongoing progress monitoring data and generate dynamic reports for classroom teachers.

Instructional Strategies

Students with reading comprehension problems often have underlying issues with foundational literacy skills. These students may need to be exposed to an evidence-based scope and sequence that systematically introduces each phonics skill progressing from the simplest to the more complex using controlled text.

Students may need to receive a more intensive program of instruction in Tier 2 to accelerate their skills and improve their performance. This will usually involve a more explicit teaching of foundational skills such as sound-letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, phonics instruction and metacognitive strategy instruction (identifying and applying strategies to read words).

Students also need to be encouraged to keep trying by being given frequent opportunities for small successes. This will help build their confidence and motivation to continue to try even when they face challenges.


Teaching students reading intervention skills using multisensory activities can help them feel confident and capable. In addition to incorporating auditory, visual, and tactile elements, try to incorporate rhythm and repetition in your lessons. For example, rhyming patterns can work well for auditory learners. Pat the board and say a word like “b”, then students can clap-clap it together to form the pattern.

For visual learners, use color codes to represent specific phonics patterns. For example, pink could be consonants and blue could be vowels or /b/,/s/,/d/,/m/,/n/, etc. Using a pattern can also work well for visual learners; have students pat the board and then say the same word each time, then repeat.

The Department is developing a process for establishing an approved list of high-quality core curriculum, instructional materials and interventions that align with the science of reading. Learn more about this process here.


Homework is one of the most powerful tools for improving reading. It can be used to build proficiency in newly acquired skills or to maintain skills previously mastered. Homework should be meaningful practice work that is accompanied by evaluation and feedback to students.

Using a variety of strategies to ensure that all students receive valuable feedback will increase student motivation. Students who do not receive feedback often assume that their assignments are worthless. They may have toiling done and then turn it in only to find out that their work will not be graded.

Emphasize that the benefits of regular reading are wide-ranging and can be applied to learning in all subjects. Providing meaningful and engaging homework will help students be ready for the demands of a complex, literacy-focused world far beyond school.

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