Month: October 2023

Reading Intervention – A Key Component of RTI and MTSS

Reading intervention

Reading intervention is a key component of the federally mandated Response to Intervention (RTI) and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). Experts agree that to close gaps in students’ reading skills, teachers need training in the science of reading research and curricula with relevant content.

Students in reading intervention receive supplemental instruction in decoding, comprehension, writing and study skills at their instructional level. Students also learn to select self-selected books for their own reading at home.


If you’re looking for strategies to help struggling readers, phonics is an essential place to start. It’s when students learn to connect sounds to letters, recognize phonics patterns and decode words. It’s the gateway to reading printed text and is so empowering for young students!

Research shows that a strong foundation in phonics is key to reading success. However, many programs teach phonics by asking children to guess unfamiliar words (embedded phonics), or by learning letter-sound rules by making comparisons between related words (analytical phonics). These methods have not been shown to be as effective as those that use explicit and systematic instruction of the alphabetic principle.

Explicit instruction refers to teacher-led, interactive instruction that teaches new skills in a clear and unambiguous manner. This includes modeling the skill, guided practice with corrective feedback, and independent application using aligned student materials. This resource from FCRR is a great place to identify and research evidence-based reading interventions.


Reading comprehension is the ability to understand what one has read. It is the ultimate goal of reading and depends on a solid foundation of early literacy skills such as phonological awareness, letter and sound recognition, decoding, blending, and segmenting.

Comprehension also relies on students understanding vocabulary and the grammatical structure of language. Recent research suggests that students who struggle with reading comprehension may have underlying oral language weaknesses that stem from childhood and even before they begin to learn to read. This is why it is important to focus on comprehension strategies that directly target overall comprehension of language as well as teaching vocabulary and thinking skills.

To help students develop strong comprehension skills, teachers should provide them with direct and explicit instruction of comprehension strategy techniques such as story structure using plot mountain, making inferences, drawing conclusions, and different types of figurative language. Also, they should have the opportunity to use these skills with text that is both teacher-read aloud and independently read.


Vocabulary is the set of words that a student knows and can use when reading, writing or speaking. A robust vocabulary allows students to understand a text’s meaning and comprehend its concepts at a deeper level.

Students acquire vocabulary incidentally, through daily conversations and reading widely on their own. They also benefit from explicit vocabulary instruction and activities.

Explicit vocabulary instruction can be delivered before, during or after reading to enhance comprehension and support vocabulary acquisition. Before-reading instruction can help students develop background knowledge that supports comprehension, during-reading instruction can model clarifying strategies through metacognition, and post-reading activities can provide further opportunity for review and retention of important vocabulary words.

Teachers can also reinforce new words through content-area word walls that are regularly updated with synonyms, antonyms, roots and concepts. In addition, they can make their classrooms a rich language environment by providing access to online dictionaries and thesauruses. They should also focus on teaching academic Tier 2 vocabulary, which includes words that appear in a variety of texts and provides students with shades of meaning not available through basic or domain-specific vocabulary.


Fluency involves reading passages at an appropriate rate with a focus on prosody, or intonation, stress and phrasing. Students who struggle with reading fluency often have an average words-correct-per-minute score that falls below the 50th percentile on grade-level oral reading fluency norms.

Reading fluency instruction can be integrated into other reading intervention strategies such as phonics and comprehension. For example, when working on phonics skills, teachers may ask students to choral read words or phrases that follow traditional patterns of phonemic awareness and decoding. As students become more proficient in their phonics skills, it is important for them to also work on fluency, so they can attend to meaning and enjoy stories as well as facts.

When students are paired with peers who are at similar levels, stronger readers can model fluent reading and give feedback to less-fluent partners. For a student who struggles with fluency, reading passages that are easy for them to read, such as grade-level assessment passages, can help build their confidence.

The Importance of Children Education

children education

Children learn by exploring their environment through meaningful hands-on experiences. They are also learning how to communicate with others, think for themselves, and interact with the natural world.

Teachers know their students well and can support them in the areas they excel at or struggle with. However, parents have unique knowledge of their children as learners.

Schools Help Kids Learn New Things

Children learn new things in schools, and they can expand their knowledge in various subjects. They also learn more about the world around them and become more culturally aware. This can help them become more well-rounded individuals who are able to make a difference in the world.

Kids who are taught to solve problems and work together are better prepared for life. They also learn how to think critically and develop logical thinking skills. These are important skills that will help them succeed in all areas of their lives, including career and personal life.

High-quality preschools also teach children to explore their creativity and satisfy their natural curiosity. They have a variety of classroom experiences to help them develop this skill, such as group discussions, children’s choice learning centers and defined outdoor spaces for child-initiated play.

They Help Kids Expand Their Knowledge

In school, kids will be given many opportunities to expand their knowledge in different fields. For example, they might learn about new cultures from around the world or they may do scientific experiments that will increase their analytical thinking skills. These experiences will help them learn more about the world they live in and make it easier for them to adapt to different situations in the future.

A high-quality education is the best way to prepare children for life. It will give them a chance to build a store of knowledge that will grow exponentially as they age, preparing them for future challenges. Moreover, it will provide them with the right tools to interact with others and solve problems. A good education can also make children more self-confident, productive, and happy.

They Help Kids Learn How To Think For Themselves

When kids know their opinion matters, they’re more likely to speak up and take risks. This is a big part of learning to think for themselves, and it starts early.

Experts recommend that parents spend time with their children and ask them open-ended questions. Playing games that require them to think critically—such as building with blocks or acting out roles with friends—can also help build critical thinking skills.

In addition, it’s important for parents to show that they value education and are invested in their children’s success. By showing their support, they can help their children develop a lifelong love of learning. This will lead to better academic outcomes.

They Help Kids Learn About Different Cultures

Kids are naturally curious about different cultures. They want to know why people from other parts of the world look different, dress differently, eat different food and listen to different music.

Teachers help children learn about the differences among people in terms of their beliefs and practices, which can lead to a greater understanding and appreciation for diversity. It is also helpful for kids to understand that people from different backgrounds can get along with each other even though they have many differences.

You can encourage your child to explore other cultures by doing some fun activities together. For example, you can try making some traditional foods from other countries. You can also sing and dance to songs from different cultures or visit a museum with artifacts from various cultures around the globe.

They Help Kids Learn How To Interact With Others

Providing quality education early on puts kids on a promising path for lifelong learning. The early years are when a child’s brain develops rapidly and is strongly influenced by their environment. The number of neural connections formed quadruples by age four.

Teachers help children learn how to interact with other people, both their peers and adults. They teach them how to share and take turns, how to be respectful, and how to resolve conflicts. They also help them develop empathy and compassion.

They encourage children to speak up and participate, even when they are shy or have trouble following directions. They give them plenty of opportunities to play with peers, and they praise children for cooperating well with others. This helps them build their confidence and self-esteem, which is an important life skill.

Education Support

education support

Education support refers to a variety of programs, services and/or accommodations that help students feel included in their educational environments. This includes helping them engage with different teaching methods and materials.

Education support is nontaxable under Section 132 if it meets certain requirements. This is because it’s considered a working condition fringe benefit.

Education Support Workers

Education support professionals are the backbone of school systems. They are paraeducators, secretaries, clerical assistants, food and service workers, custodial staff and bus drivers, and other non-teaching school employees who contribute to student success.

Mum loved her work and the way she was able to make a difference in students’ lives. She would come home some days ecstatic that one of her students had successfully played socially at recess without getting distressed. Others, like those during Covid-19, were difficult as she juggled staff shortages and students’ needs.

In many states, education support workers don’t earn a living wage. Zippia looked at salary and cost of living data to find the best schools for education support professionals. Click here to see the list.

Education Support Professionals

Education support helps individuals build a platform to explore their potential and self-esteem. This kind of support allows people to have access to the knowledge needed to make informed choices and achieve success.

School communities are made up of more than just classroom teachers and principals. Behind the scenes, in noisy buses, bright hallways, and bustling cafeterias, are paraeducators, secretaries, custodial staff, food service workers, and bus drivers, who work to help students thrive. Education support professionals (ESPs) are the backbone of every school.

ESP Day was created to honor the work of public school support employees and highlight their essential contributions to public education. ESPs are not only committed to their jobs but to the community and country they serve. They deserve to be recognized for their dedication and hard work. You can help by requesting a proclamation from your elected officials. ESPs are making a difference in the lives of children and their families.

Educational Support Systems

As school systems continue to navigate a myriad of challenges—including the COVID-19 pandemic, systemic racial injustice, and the enduring effects of poverty—orchestration of integrated supports that meet young people where they are in their lives is critical. Ideally, these structures are designed to be culturally competent and thoughtfully integrated with local resources. They are also intended to be assets-based and to support student agency and equity of opportunity.

Supports can take many forms. They may involve specialized instruction or individualized assistance for students with disabilities or who need academic supports in general. They can also include social-emotional supports and positive behavioral interventions.

They may also be part of an integrated framework such as a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) that utilizes a proactive and preventative approach to support student achievement. The guiding principles of this system are high-quality instruction, a responsive and data-driven response to support needs, and a focus on building student agency. This framework can help mitigate barriers, enhance coping and resilience, re-engage disconnected students and families, and reduce the opportunity gap.


MSEA is the Maryland affiliate of the National Education Association, representing 75,000 educators. Its members are classroom teachers, education support professionals, certificated specialists, school administrators and retired educators. The union has a strong presence in Maryland politics and is one of the largest in the country.

MSEA members have a long tradition of effective activism at the local, state and national levels. The union’s advocacy mission was strengthened when it merged with MSTA to form the Maryland State Teachers Association.

A portion of your MSEA and NEA dues supports a variety of top-quality member benefit programs. The NEA Home Mortgage Program, for example, lets you lock in low rates before they rise and provides a free home equity line of credit. Another is the NEA Travel Savings Program, which offers savings and benefits on airfare, hotels, rental cars and more. To learn more, visit the NEA website. NEA Member Benefits also provides financial services including health insurance, retirement planning and tax assistance.

The Role of Schools in Educating Children


Schools play a crucial role in the life of children. They give them the education and opportunities they need to thrive in life and be successful in their careers.

Students also learn how to take responsibility for their actions while in school – whether it’s finishing assignments on time or taking part in group projects. These are skills they will carry with them throughout their lives.

1. Education

Education helps children to acquire the proper mindset required to face the world and its challenges. It also helps them to assess their life objectives and achieve personal ambitions.

It teaches kids about various cultures and beliefs around the globe. It also provides students with the opportunity to interact with people from foreign settings and develop the skills necessary for intercultural communication.

Schools are one of the primary vehicles by which communities transmit their values to future generations. They promote a culture’s tolerance of diversity, which is essential in a globalized world.

They also provide a way for communities to work together to address common issues. For example, communities that value schooling for both genders tend to have lower rates of domestic and gender-based violence. Additionally, a country’s ability to compete economically depends on its educational achievement. Unfortunately, poverty is a huge barrier to learning and keeps millions of children from receiving the schooling they need.

2. Socialization

Unlike home environments where kids learn how to socialize through observing their parents handling different situations and emotions, school settings introduce many new structural features which a child has to get used to. For example, in a classroom setting one teacher is expected to cater to the needs of a large group of students all at once and this requires them to learn how to behave around each other.

Moreover, the solitary nature of school life can leave children exposed to various external threats which can affect their mental well-being. These include stress, anxiety, fear and alienation etc which can lead to behavior problems in kids. Hence, it’s important for students to learn how to socialize in order to reduce these behavioral issues and lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Researchers are working towards gaining a better understanding of how schools influence socialization. Longitudinal designs and an increase in consideration of mediators and moderators are critical.

3. Collaboration

Teachers need time to collaborate together to work out instructional strategies and share ideas. But scheduling this collaborative time is often a challenge because of “too much to do” or “not enough time.” This is where a school’s leadership can play a role in removing obstacles.

A key to successful collaboration is building a sense of community among the teachers who are involved. The way to do this is by getting to know each other, sharing common passions, and taking time to connect with colleagues on a personal level. Establishing group commitments to respect each other and look past any perceived eccentricities also helps.

Similarly, students need a community of learners to support and encourage them in their collaborative learning activities. One way to build this community is by establishing age-appropriate norms for the collaborative groups. This can include things like deciding on team responsibilities such as a recorder, spokesperson, or facilitator. It can also include creating shared agreements such as “one person talks at a time” or “no put downs.” These group norms help foster a culture of collaboration.

4. Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility is one of the most critical lessons students can learn in school. Research shows that students who are more responsible tend to have better grades. This is probably because they are more motivated to study and work hard. They also have a positive outlook on life which leads to more success.

However, schools often shy away from teaching the importance of personal accountability. This is probably because of the fear that they may hurt students’ self-esteem. Many do-gooders, including teachers and parents, believe in raising children’s self-esteem as much as possible. Unfortunately, high self-esteem without real accomplishment can actually be an impediment to learning.

It is a teacher’s responsibility to teach his or her students how to be responsible. This is especially important for those who are going to college or entering the workforce. The ability to take on challenges and overcome them is a skill that will serve these students well throughout their lives.

The Importance of Kindergarten


Kindergarten is the first year kids spend a lot of time away from their parents. It teaches them how to work and play with other children in a structured classroom environment. Kindergarten also helps kids develop essential physical, social, emotional, language and literacy and thinking (cognitive) skills.

Kindergarten kids learn to identify the letters in their name and other simple words. They also learn to count objects and use their understanding of addition and subtraction to solve math problems.


Children are born with a natural ability to pick up and use language. Oral language, sometimes called spoken language, is the way students communicate with each other in the classroom. Students build oral language skills by following oral directions, carrying on a conversation, and asking and answering questions. Kindergarteners also develop listening skills by reading aloud together and discussing the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Writing is another area of growth for kindergarten students. By creating a print-rich environment and incorporating writing into daily routines, teachers can help children learn to express their thoughts and experiences through written communication.

Children develop vocabulary and phonological awareness during their free play, such as drawing pictures, playing with dolls or stuffed animals, building with blocks, or interacting with peers while engaging in dramatic play. The kindergarten teacher encourages this development by introducing new vocabulary words and promoting conversations in small groups and during whole group activities.


In kindergarten, students learn the basics of numbers and counting, as well as basic addition and subtraction. They also begin to understand time and calendars.

At this stage, it’s important to focus on building positive experiences with math. Many children have a difficult time with math, and learning it early can help them develop a healthy relationship with it.

When kids feel successful, it will boost their confidence and help them maintain a logical mindset. This will serve them well when they learn more advanced concepts in elementary school, like multiplication and division.

Try adding counting to everyday activities, and use physical examples, like on fingers or groups of objects. Counting toy cars, for example, can help kids recognize quantities and understand how they add up. Similarly, counting coins can help them understand monetary value and the difference between two-dimensional shapes (like a circle drawn on paper) and three-dimensional ones (like a ball that you can touch and bounce). Also, try to incorporate games into family play, such as tic-tac-toe or dominoes.


Children’s natural curiosity about the world around them provides an important foundation for science. The best kindergarten science programs nurture that curiosity and help young students become scientifically literate, developing skills of prediction, observation, planning, collecting and recording data, organizing experiences, and coming up with reasonable explanations.

Kindergartners will learn the similarities and differences of plants and animals, including their identifying characteristics; the cycles of nature; the seasons; weather changes (including severe storms like tornadoes). They’ll discover that objects have a variety of properties, such as color, shape, size, temperature, odor, texture, flexibility and magnetism, and that they can be sorted by these qualities.

Sonlight’s kindergarten full year science curriculum nurtures students’ natural curiosity by introducing them to real science concepts in a fun way. The program offers hands-on experiments that introduce fundamental concepts and develop the fine motor skills necessary for writing, drawing and other daily tasks. The curriculum includes an instructor’s guide and student lab manual to make teaching easy.

Social Studies

Social studies are just as important for young children’s success as reading, math and science. But the subject often gets short shrift in schools, especially since No Child Left Behind put a focus on testing and reading skills.

Meaningful and powerful social studies is integrative by nature, connecting disciplinary topics to promote understanding of the world around us. It also integrates knowledge, skills and dispositions to promote civic efficacy and social awareness.

Kindergarten students are naturally curious about the world around them. They are eager to learn about themselves, their families and the community in which they live.

Incorporate a variety of real-world activities like field trips, role plays and project-based learning. Explore different cultures, holidays and traditions. Create age-appropriate maps and encourage spatial thinking. Identify local community helpers, and provide an opportunity for children to dress up and role play as these workers. Read stories that promote cultural awareness and respect for others. Social studies learning can also be enriched with special vocabulary and academic concepts geared toward the youngest learners.

What Is Reading Intervention?

Reading intervention

Reading intervention is instruction designed to meet a student’s specific learning needs in addition to grade level core reading instruction. It is often part of a school’s Response to Intervention or Multi-Tiered System of Support process.

The best way to improve reading skills is by understanding HOW students learn. That means training teachers in evidence-based practices, using frequent assessments and ensuring that curriculums are backed by research.


The ability to understand the meaning of text is fundamental for all learning. Comprehension is different from decoding, as it involves constructing mental representations of the text and connecting them with prior knowledge to fill in gaps in understanding. It also requires understanding text structures, identifying relevant text clues and making inferences to make sense of the text (Stahl, 2020).

Students’ comprehension skills are impacted by many variables. These include background knowledge, vocabulary level, cognitive abilities and motivation. Additionally, the complexity and unfamiliarity of text can inhibit or enhance comprehension.

Teaching students reading comprehension strategies has been found to be an effective method for improving their comprehension. Reciprocal teaching approaches have proven successful, as they require students and teachers to engage in discussion of the text in a “cognitive apprenticeship” model. Teaching strategies that involve self-questioning, constructing mental representations to integrate information from the text and identifying text consistencies have been shown to be particularly effective.


Phonics is an approach to teaching reading that emphasizes letter-sound relationships. It provides a foundation for decoding unfamiliar words, enhancing their spelling and word recognition skills.

It is an essential skill for students who are struggling with reading because it allows them to break words into syllables and pronounce them correctly. It also helps them understand the rules of English grammar, such as the difference between long and short vowels and their variations.

The goal is for students to rely on phonics to read the majority of words they encounter in their everyday life. This enables them to quickly gain fluency and comprehension.

To help children build phonological awareness and sound-letter correspondence, teachers should use a variety of teaching methods. A comprehensive phonics program should include the alphabetic principle, phonemic awareness and strategies for blending and segmenting sounds. The program should also address vowel teams and variant vowels to help students learn how to read more complex words.


A person’s vocabulary is the group of words that he or she knows and uses in speech and writing. It is also referred to as word stock, lexicon, or lexis. Vocabulary is an important aspect of reading comprehension.

It is important for students to build their vocabularies by increasing the number of words they encounter in reading and in speaking. This will help them understand the meaning of new words and will improve their comprehension skills.

Vocabulary instruction should be meaningful and not simply focused on providing a list of words to memorize. Teachers should scour their reading materials for unfamiliar words and provide contexts to allow learners to discover them. Moreover, teaching academic Tier 2 vocabulary provides learners with a broader range of meanings than basic or domain specific words.

Research shows that a person’s ability to comprehend depends on his or her vocabulary. A strong vocabulary allows people to visualize stories, anticipate events in a story, and understand jokes.


Reading fluency helps students build the bridge between word recognition and comprehension. Fluent readers read accurately, smoothly and with expression, and they group words rapidly to gain meaning from the text. Non-fluent readers struggle with decoding skills and sound choppy when they read.

Teaching strategies for fluency can include repeated oral reading, especially with a model, rhyming or rhythmic texts, and phrasing and expression instruction (e.g., intonation, volume and smoothness). Prosody can also be taught through a focus on phrase boundaries and pauses to help students who do not pick up expression intrinsically.

It is important to track student progress in fluency using a running record or chart to show the student how much they have improved. This will help boost their motivation and give them the sense of achievement they need. You can also use a partner reading strategy where a fluent reader is paired with a struggling student to model fluent reading.

The Importance of Education for Children

children education

For many children, especially in conflict areas and in places affected by natural disasters, education is their one chance to invest in themselves. It’s what gives them hope for a better future and breaks the cycle of poverty.

Preschool is a first step in their journey to learn and develop the skills needed for later life.


If a student wants to be an active participant in their learning, they need to know who they are. Our school system often fails to teach students this, as it only focuses on their grades and class positions.

To develop a strong sense of self-discovery, children need to be provided with daily opportunities in a safe environment to engage in meaningful experiences that are tailored to their unique interests and talents. Educators should ensure that all learning areas are well-stocked with materials and encourage creativity and imagination.

For example, if a child is interested in cooking, they can learn about food by exploring recipes and creating their own food. Children also need to be allowed to solve their own problems and find creative solutions. For example, if they don’t have aprons in the dramatic play area, they can fashion their own from blankets or other objects. This helps them understand that they can have flexible identities and adapt to new situations.


Socialization is the process by which children learn the norms, values and beliefs of their group. It begins in the family and continues in schools. In schools, socialization includes the formal curriculum and the hidden curriculum, such as classroom discipline, dealing with bureaucracy, time awareness, competition, teamwork and other skills.

Children are first socialized by their parents, who show them how to interact with people and objects. They also teach them about the concepts of sharing and cooperation. This teaches them to become less egocentric, which can help them develop friends.

Societies handle child socialization differently, so researchers should study specific contexts to better understand the pathways and interactions involved in this important developmental process. For example, longitudinal designs capable of modeling bidirectional relationships between STRs and student outcomes could greatly improve understanding of this topic. This is especially true in low-income countries with more diverse student populations. Ultimately, this will allow scholars to make more informed decisions about what interventions are appropriate for different student populations.

Communication Skills

Children need to be able to communicate their needs, wants, and thoughts with their parents, peers, teachers, and other adults. Kids with poor communication skills may find it hard to express themselves, and they might not be able to learn in school.

Research has shown that children who are talked to a lot have larger vocabulary sizes, which is correlated with higher intelligence. So it’s important for kids to talk a lot, especially when they’re in child care.

Some research suggests that caregivers’ language models may have a significant impact on the linguistic properties of children’s gesture systems, and also how they use those systems. For example, some children who were previously institutionalized seem to use their language less frequently for expressing emotion and for requesting aid from others than do other children. This is consistent with the hypothesis that they were modeled limited use of their languages by hearing caregivers. (Goldin-Meadow, 1997).

Cultural Awareness

Children can become more culturally aware by learning from their parents, teachers and other adults. They can also gain a sense of cultural awareness by participating in foreign language classes. These experiences give children a foundation of respect and acceptance of other cultures. This allows them to have more harmonious relationships with people from different backgrounds, and can prevent them from believing generalizations or negative stereotypes about other groups of people later in life.

Educators can help children become more aware of their own culture in the classroom by listening to them and being sensitive to their cultural needs. This includes taking into account how students learn, such as through games, storytelling, repetition, visuals and other teaching methods that may be culturally relevant.

School districts can also be culturally aware by providing space for macro conversations about diversity in their schools. Stevenson’s post-baccalaureate certificate and Master of Arts in Community-Based Education & Leadership focus on cultivating and rejuvenating aspects of leadership that are founded on cultural awareness.

Education Support Careers

Education support services enable individuals to access the knowledge they need to improve their lives. It helps them gain self-confidence and build a strong foundation for their future.

Education support professionals are the backbone of our school systems. From paraeducators and administrative assistants to custodians and bus drivers, these school employees are dedicated to keeping students safe and supported so they can learn.

Education Support Specialists

ESPs are often the face of schools and work alongside teachers to keep students safe, ensure they’re well fed and transport them between buildings. They are represented by nine career families: Clerical services, Custodial and maintenance services, Food service, Health and student services, Paraeducators, Security services and Skilled trades.

Education support specialists are a critical part of the school system, and every interaction they have with students has an impact on both their day-to-day lives at school and their learning journeys. From a quick exchange with the custodian to an IEP meeting with a paraprofessional, ESPs are in the midst of it all and can make or break a classroom environment.

Senior Specialists are responsible for advocating on behalf of scholars requiring Special Education support. They analyze a variety of data, including class assessments, specialized evaluations and teacher reports to build and present cases for scholars to receive the mandated support they deserve. They also communicate with scholars regularly through texts, emails and phone calls and attend college visits to provide meaningful guidance and direction.

Education Support Administrators

The heart of education is in the classroom, but educational administrators keep schools and other institutions running smoothly. They manage or direct administrative services and programs, and conduct research or educational activities. They typically work full time and receive weeks off for school and federal holidays.

Administrators oversee teacher evaluations, curriculum development and improvement, student discipline policies, and professional learning opportunities for teachers. They also conduct classroom observations and make notes to help improve teaching techniques. They may also perform general office tasks like filing and copying.

Higher education administrators help students and the public with academic, financial and career-related issues and concerns. They may work in the offices of admissions, fundraising, quality assurance or marketing and communications. They also direct educational programs in correctional institutions, businesses and museums. Some administrative staff members also provide job training for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders who want to re-enter the workforce. They may work in the offices of career or academic counseling, special education or student services.

Education Support Teachers

Education plays a vital role in fostering intellectual growth and improving self-esteem. It allows individuals to build a stable foundation for their future. However, this is not possible without adequate support.

Education support teachers help students with learning difficulties by assisting them in class and providing emotional guidance. They also carry out general administrative duties. They can work full-time or part-time, depending on school arrangements.

Education support professionals make up the backbone of school systems and are a vital component of a teacher’s classroom experience. From custodial staff and cafeteria workers to secretaries, transportation and security personnel and more, the work of these dedicated school employees makes a difference in both minor and major ways. MSEA is working to ensure that ESPs receive decent wages, better working conditions and respect for the important roles they play.

Education Support Officers

Education support officers work with students on a 1-2-1 basis or small group of young adults. Generally, they have a nationally recognised qualification in education support, including levels 2 and 3 teaching assistant and manual handling qualifications.

Managing student records, organising resources and assisting with classroom activities are some of the administrative tasks that education support staff fulfil in this role. Rostering school staff on playground or bus duty is also a common responsibility.

Education support workers who perform classroom support roles are important members of the school community. They are vital to a school’s inclusive education practices and their efforts can have a direct impact on student outcomes. It is important that education support staff have regular opportunities for professional learning, feedback, coaching and mentoring. For further information, refer to the Education Support Staff Working in Classroom Support Roles Guidelines.

The Importance of Well-Organized Schools

Schools are organized spaces designed for teaching and learning. They include classrooms for teachers and students, specialized laboratories and workshops. They may also feature cafeterias or dining halls.

It is important to understand the culture of a school before choosing it for your child. Ask questions about how the staff treats each other and the students.

They teach students

Schools are educational institutions that provide students with a variety of learning environments and experiences. They are the place where students learn, and they also serve as a social environment where children develop skills and values that help them become well-rounded adults. However, not all schools are created equal. Some lack the resources to provide high-quality educational experiences for all children.

Many schools offer after-school learning opportunities like tutoring and enrichment programs, which can help students excel in school. Some even have long-run partnerships with nonprofits that provide support for students and their families.

Another important aspect of school is the fact that students are surrounded by hundreds of people their age. This teaches them to be more open to new ideas and to communicate with others. It’s a skill that will be useful no matter what they do with their lives. It’s also a great opportunity to teach kids to be more tolerant of differences and to be less judgmental.

They are organized

School organization involves creating a culture of collaboration and support between teachers. A good school organizational culture enables teachers to share their professional experiences and provides an environment that is beneficial for student learning. A well-organized school also focuses on maximizing the use of resources, including time, money and energy.

The socialization function of schools includes teaching students about our legal and political way of life, as well as introducing them to the principles of democracy. In addition, they learn the importance of teamwork through games and activities. They are also taught patriotism through rituals such as saluting the flag and telling stories of our nation’s heroes.

Schools are organized by a combination of administrative staff and licensed and unlicensed support personnel. Office staff handles visitors and incoming calls, while the guidance department oversees counseling and standardized tests. Cafeteria and janitorial workers also play an important role in the school. A well-organized school must be able to adapt to changing needs and expectations.

They are a place for young people

Schools are places for young people, where they learn to share the world with other human beings from different racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds. The more diverse their environment, the better-adjusted they will probably be to cope with challenges later in life. Educators in traditional public schools have an important role to play in this, but they can do so only if they have the courage and resources to challenge institutional biases.

Schools can also serve as community centers by involving local adults in education programs that address their learning needs. Student participation in school decision-making fosters a sense of citizenship and promotes key competences such as co-operation and communication skills, self-efficacy, responsibility and respect for democracy, which form the basis of the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture. This is a crucial step towards becoming a fully engaged citizen. It also helps young people to develop a more positive identity, which is vital for their social and emotional well-being.

They are a place for learning

School teaches students to interact with other people and work together. It also teaches them to learn how to read and write. In addition, it teaches them to be responsible and able to follow directions. These skills are necessary for the success of any student.

Schools are places for learning that help students develop their own identities and worldviews. They also learn how to socialize with people of different cultures and genders. These experiences can be difficult for some, but they are vital for developing social skills and a healthy self-image.

School systems vary across the world, but most have similar structures. Some are run by the government, while others are private. Most students attend these schools in exchange for a fee, called tuition. Some children choose not to attend school at all and are taught at home by their parents.

What Kind of Skills Do Kindergartners Learn?


Kindergarten is a major transition for kids, often their first year in an official classroom. They learn the basics of academics, social interaction and self-regulation.

They’ll start with basic math, learning shapes and numbers through concrete props such as counting blocks or sorting toys. They’ll also learn about weather and calendars.


The language that children learn affects their understanding of the world around them. Kindergartners need to be able to follow oral directions, retell stories they have heard and express their ideas with words. They must also be able to communicate with their peers.

Oral language skills are especially important for kindergarten students because they will need to understand what they are reading later in their academic careers. According to Scholastic, research has shown that children who have well-developed oral language skills are more successful in their classrooms.

Studies have shown that family socio-economic status and various process characteristics of the home learning environment (HLE) such as different characteristics of maternal interaction behavior and frequency of joint picture book reading predict early child vocabulary and grammar. However, the association between SES and HLE process indicators differs across evaluation waves.


When a child sorts her toys into groups of animals, board games and trucks or stacks her stuffed animals on top of each other to determine which is tallest, she’s engaging in important math skills. Kindergarten students learn to sort and classify, which will set them up for success in higher-level math concepts.

Kindergarten students also develop number sense, which includes the recognition of numbers and their relationships, simple counting and understanding of quantity. They’ll also become familiar with basic patterns and picture graphs.

In addition to counting and geometry, kindergarten students will start to learn the concept of adding and subtracting. They’ll learn to perceive minus as “pulling apart” and addition as “bringing together.” They’ll begin to understand place value, too.

Social Studies

Social studies is one of the core classes in kindergarten, along with math, science, and language arts. These classes teach students how the world works on a social level and help prepare them to participate in a democratic society.

Young children are naturally curious, and learning about the world around them is an important part of the social studies curriculum. Teachers can use this natural curiosity to plan open-ended, inquiry-based explorations that help children develop a sense of place.

The social studies curriculum often includes teaching kindergartners about the United States and its cultures, classroom rules, community helpers, maps, and American holidays. However, with the emphasis placed on literacy, it can be difficult to include social studies in the daily schedule of an elementary school class.


Science ignites children’s natural curiosity to understand the world around them. They learn to ask scientific questions, plan experiments and develop reasonable explanations based on their observations.

Young children can’t conduct complex scientific experiments, but they can learn to observe and record their findings through hands-on activities like planting bean sprouts and watching them grow, or tracking the stages of a caterpillar changing into a butterfly. They also explore the Earth’s resources and how human actions impact it, fostering environmental awareness and a sense of responsibility for our planet.

The SSEC kindergarten program incorporates weekly experiments that correlate with the reading materials for a linear progression from reading to doing. The units provide experiences that support teachers in guiding students to build scientific concepts and skills.


Art provides children with the opportunity to express their feelings. It also fosters creative thinking. Students of all ages can learn from art and it is important that kindergarten children have access to this creative learning experience as well.

Kindergarten kids can create art in all sorts of ways, from drawing to sculpting clay and everything in between. They can use watercolor paint and crayons or paper and glue to make their own artwork. They can also explore process art which emphasizes the process of creating rather than the end product, like this salt painting of a pineapple or this bubbly paint art project.

Encourage students to work in small groups when doing a craft or art activity. This helps them to stay focused and prevents one child from taking over the class.

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