Reading intervention can help children who are struggling with reading. There are several different techniques that you can use to help kids who are having trouble reading. These methods range from direct instruction to inquiry. The best way to find out what works for your child is to try them out.
Direct instruction vs inquiry
If you are considering reading intervention, you may be wondering whether direct instruction or inquiry is the better choice. Indirect instruction or guided inquiry are both effective methods for teaching children, but there are differences.
Direct instruction is the process of teaching a student information through a lecture, worksheet, or other direct method. On the other hand, inquiry involves an open-ended approach where students engage in exploration without knowing the end result.
There are many debates as to which is the best, but the science of reading movement has a strong argument for incorporating both. This approach is based on a premise that educators need to know how to use research to determine what their students need.
Fountas and Pinnell’s LLI
Fountas and Pinnell’s reading intervention is one of the most widely used programs in schools. It focuses on decoding, word-solving strategies, and the joy of reading. The program is a good option for schools that want to improve the literacy achievement of their struggling students.
However, the program has been criticized because of its discredited ideas. Fountas and Pinnell’s curriculum is based on an unproven theory from the 1700s. Also, the program’s emphasis on basic skills leaves out essential reading practices.
Fountas and Pinnell’s Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) is a program designed to help students reach grade-level competency in the shortest amount of time. It uses a small-group, intensive tutoring model. Teachers deliver 45-minute lessons on a daily basis. During these sessions, students work together in a group of up to five. They alternate between challenging instructional level texts.
Orton-Gillingham Approach
The Orton-Gillingham Approach is an approach that works to improve reading skills for struggling readers. It’s a multisensory reading intervention program that uses both visual and auditory elements.
This approach is especially beneficial for students with dyslexia. It is also helpful for students with speech and language disorders.
One reason why the Orton-Gillingham approach is effective is that it addresses the individual needs of each student. Students are taught to recognize the “why” behind language, and they are given the tools they need to decode text.
Another benefit of the Orton-Gillingham approach is that it allows students to learn at their own pace. This helps them master skills and develop confidence.
Guided oral reading
Guided oral reading is one of the best ways to improve fluency. Whether you are trying to improve your child’s reading or you are a teacher, guided oral reading can help.
The National Reading Panel found that guided oral reading improved word recognition and comprehension. A study of students in early primary school grades also showed that students who participated in guided oral reading performed better on fluency tests than students who did not.
Unlike choral reading, guided oral reading allows for individual student control over the reading process. Students can read different passages to themselves and get feedback from the teacher. This gives students practice using effective reading strategies, which helps them to become more proficient in reading.
Partner reading
Partner reading for reading intervention can be a fun and rewarding pedagogical strategy to help students improve their reading skills. It also provides a way for educators to monitor progress and ensure that students are making a consistent effort to read independently.
In this study, we focused on the quality of interactions during partner reading. We evaluated the following variables: the number of dyads observed, the amount of time spent per pair, the relative difficulty level of the text, and the quantity of on/off task behavior.
The number of dyads observed depended on the number of children in each classroom that had volunteered for a dyad. Several classrooms had more than three dyads, while others had less.
Finding What Works
Finding what works in reading intervention is no easy feat. While there are many programs and strategies out there to choose from, choosing the best suited for your students’ unique needs may be the most challenging part. Thankfully, there are tools to help identify the areas that may be the most beneficial. Some of the more popular ones are the reading list and online diagnostics.
Reading instruction may be a one on one, small group or whole class affair. When looking for what the right sized program may look like, you’ll want to consider your students’ age, grade level and reading level. You’ll also want to be sure you’re using the right strategies to target the most difficult readers. Ultimately, the most effective reading intervention is the result of a collaborative effort between you and your student.