Education support encompasses a broad range of educational strategies that may include tutoring sessions, supplemental courses, after-school programs, volunteer mentors and specialized teaching techniques.
These programs can be provided to individual students or to specific student populations, such as students with disabilities or new immigrants. State and federal policies often require schools to offer this type of assistance.
Academic support
Academic support is the practice of providing students with a variety of educational strategies that help them accelerate their learning progress, catch up with their peers, meet learning standards, or generally succeed in school.
There are two primary ways that schools provide academic support: classroom-based strategies and school-based strategies.
The former approach focuses on building stronger relationships between teachers and students, which can improve student performance in many areas, including learning-skills development. The latter strategy focuses on delivering intensive academic support to academically struggling students, often in addition to their regular coursework.
In some cases, schools offer academic support as a voluntary choice for specific student populations (e.g., English-language learners or special-education students) or as a requirement under state or federal law. Other times, schools develop support programs based on identified needs or on performance data, such as large numbers of dropouts or course failures.
Counseling services
Counseling is a type of therapy that can help students deal with issues such as depression, anxiety, stress and relationship problems. They can also learn new coping skills that will allow them to overcome difficulties and improve their lives.
Counselors are trained professionals who will listen to you in a compassionate, judgment-free environment. They will gather background information about your situation and work with you to develop a plan for change.
Counseling can be a life-changing experience for some people. It can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, promote greater self-acceptance and appreciation for your strengths and good points, and encourage you to change where necessary.
The Education Support Program
Education support is a broad category that includes tutoring, supplemental classes, summer learning opportunities, and alternative ways of grouping and counseling students. The services are intended to help students reach their educational goals and ensure their health and welfare.
Typically, students receive educational support through an Educational Support Team (EST), which is a group of school personnel and teachers that meet regularly to assess the student’s needs. The team monitors the student’s progress and makes recommendations for educational support.
The EST is an important part of a student’s education and can help them succeed in school. They can also help students connect with other educational resources and opportunities to help them envision their future.
The Spencer Foundation
The Spencer Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides scholarships to students and also supports education research. It is a great resource for those who are looking to improve their education.
The foundation is led by Na’ilah Suad Nasir, who is a former senior executive for equity at the University of California, Berkeley and an elementary school teacher. She is dedicated to improving the lives of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The foundation awards a series of fellowships to doctoral students completing dissertations on education research. These fellowships relieve them of teaching duties for a year or two so that they can focus on their dissertations.
The Educational Support Team, also known as EST, is an important part of any school’s education support system. It can help to solve the puzzle of what a student needs at school and determine how school staff can provide that support through programs, accommodations and services.
The EST helps students achieve success in school through collaborative problem-solving and data collection. They can work with teachers to ensure that students are receiving the necessary academics and behavioral supports.
Non-profit ETS believes that research and assessment have a significant role to play in helping learners of all backgrounds chart their own paths toward a more meaningful life. That’s why we provide groundbreaking assessments and learning solutions that enable educators, schools, businesses, governments and more to make informed decisions about their education systems.