Month: May 2023

The Benefits of Schools


When you’re trying to choose the best school for your child, it can seem like looking into a complex tapestry. Terms like montessori, magnet and parochial can send you on tangent searches for definitions.

Parent nights and open houses can give you a good starting point, but they may not cover everything you want to know.

They Help You Learn

Many jobs require specific knowledge that you learn in school, and that’s just one of the many ways schools help you prepare for your future career. School also helps you understand how to be a good employee by teaching you things like time management and communication skills.

Attending school regularly also teaches you responsibility, which is an important skill that will be useful both in life and in your career. Students can practice this skill when they’re assigned tasks, such as completing assignments and participating in class projects.

Schools are also great places to learn new ideas and perspectives from other people, because you’re in a room with lots of different minds. This is a big benefit for students, who can benefit from hearing perspectives that they wouldn’t encounter in their everyday lives. This can be helpful in expanding their understanding of the world and challenging their own beliefs. School also provides a safe place to make mistakes, which is essential for personal and professional growth.

They Help You Meet New People

Schools provide an ideal environment for young people to meet each other and explore their interests. They can discover whether they enjoy reading, writing, building Legos or drawing pictures of frogs eating spaghetti. They can also develop a better understanding of themselves and their place in the world and gain a sense of responsibility.

Kids who are different in some way, such as their race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity can have trouble making friends. Often, this is because they are afraid to let their true selves show and are worried about being judged negatively or excluded.

It is important to be yourself and put in the effort. There are lots of tips for meeting new people, but the best thing to do is to be friendly and approachable. Remember, it isn’t always easy to make friends and sometimes friendships take time – but if you put in the effort, it will happen! It will be worth it.

They Help You Stay Active

A big part of a good school experience is getting plenty of physical activity. From recesses to PE classes, school is uniquely positioned to encourage kids to move. Kids who regularly participate in physical fitness and exercise tend to have better health outcomes as adults, and schools can help set the stage for lifelong habits by modeling healthy lifestyle choices.

In addition to regular gym class, many schools offer other fitness programs like before-school running clubs. These types of activities serve as a great substitute for daily walks to and from school, and help keep students active all day long.

Whether you’re looking for a new job, or hoping to start your own business one day, a good education can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. Plus, going to school helps you build relationships with other people and develop your social abilities. The result is a well-rounded person, ready to take on the world.

They Help You Lead a Good Social Life

School can be a great place to meet new people, especially those who share the same interests. These people might become your best friends or just good acquaintances. Meeting new people broadens your parameter of knowledge and teaches you to communicate with different people.

The main goal of schools is to educate students, not just in academics but as citizens. Teachers are a huge part of this process, because they help their students learn how to interact with one another. They also teach students to think critically about the world around them and how they can affect it in positive ways.

Many schools also have community programs. They bring together community members with common interests and address local issues that impact our neighborhoods, such as crime. These kinds of programs are essential for the success of communities. They also teach children how to work with others in groups, which will be valuable for their future careers or personal life.

What Kids Learn in Kindergarten


Kids in kindergarten are curious about their surroundings, eager to learn and develop pre-math and pre-literacy skills. They also grow socially, emotionally and physically.

Kindergartners may be prone to distraction, so teachers need to carefully plan lessons/activities that last no more than 15 minutes and include movement activity (clapping a pattern, or Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes). Then kids can focus on learning.

Basic Skills

Kindergarten introduces kids to the world of education outside of a home or preschool environment, where children interact with a teacher and a group of peers in a structured classroom setting. Kindergarteners are expected to learn the basics of reading (phonics, sight words, and story structure), early math (numbers and simple addition and subtraction) and basic science concepts.

Kids will also be expected to have mastered fine motor skills, such as cutting, gluing and holding a pencil and crayon. Kids should be able to independently open lunch containers, zip up their jackets and put on their shoes without assistance. They should be toilet-trained and able to manage their own bathroom needs during school. They should recognize their first and last name and write it in print. They should be able to identify and pronounce the eight basic colors.

Kindergarteners should be able to understand and follow two-step directions and can sit quietly for stories read aloud. They should be able to retell the main events of a story and understand the order in which they happened.

Social Skills

In kindergarten, children learn how to interact with others in a classroom setting. They need to share, take turns, participate in group activities and show good sportsmanship. Kindergarten students also learn how to express their emotions, as well as understand the feelings of those around them.

Social skills are important because they allow children to build relationships, adjust to school and become independent learners. It is normal for young children to struggle with sharing, empathizing and cooperating, because they are naturally egocentric. However, with practice, these skills can be acquired.

It is also important for kindergarten students to know how to listen and follow directions. This is a skill that they will continue to use throughout their education. When a child follows instructions, you can help reinforce this by praising them for their behavior and saying phrases like, “Thank you for putting away your toys as I asked.” This will help them feel encouraged to keep listening and following the rules.


Self-control is an important part of kids’ social and emotional skills. It helps kids resist distractions, inhibit impulses, bounce back from difficult emotions and delay gratification. It also helps them make good choices when adults are not around to guide them.

Developing self-regulation takes time, but kids who learn it are better prepared for the challenges of school, work and life in general. One study that followed kids over several years found that the level of self-control they showed as preschoolers was a strong predictor of their academic success in kindergarten and beyond.

Helping kids develop self-regulation involves teaching them to calm down when they are angry or frustrated, listen to others, and stay focused on tasks at hand. It also means providing fun, engaging activities that promote thinking before acting and fostering patience. An example is this block tower game that asks kids to pull out blocks from the bottom layers and align them on the top layer without the tower falling.


Attention is a very important skill to have in kindergarten. Children who have difficulty paying attention will struggle to follow instructions within the classroom. If they cannot concentrate for an extended period of time, they will not reach their academic potential.

Like a muscle, attention can be strengthened by “exercising it,” such as practicing focusing on tasks. Try playing games that require concentration, such as Memory or Red Light/Green Light. In the latter game, a leader turns their back on the other children and says “green light.” The children who keep moving toward the leader can only stop when the leader says “red light.”

Children’s attention is enhanced when they are interested in a subject. Therefore, teachers can increase their students’ attention by incorporating subjects that are relevant to them and teaching in their preferred learning style. Visual learners tend to learn better by seeing, auditory learners prefer to hear and kinesthetic learners need to touch and experience.

What is Reading Intervention?

Reading intervention

Reading intervention is the specialized instruction that students receive in addition to core reading instruction. It is geared toward students who are lagging behind their peers in developing critical reading skills.

A successful reading program involves boosting a student’s confidence in this area. It should also be individualized to meet the student’s needs.

Identifying the Problem

Many children who struggle to learn to read can experience a variety of reading problems. These problems include decoding words, tracking the flow of the text and comprehending the content of a passage. These are all considered ‘Big 5’ problem areas, as they form the foundation for a child to be able to successfully read and understand texts.

It’s important that teachers are able to identify which of these reading problems their pupils may have, so that they can then offer the right support to help them overcome their difficulties. This can be done through screening tests or through direct observation in the classroom.

Schools can screen students for potential reading problems by using a Response to Intervention framework. This involves administering a series of short assessments to identify students who may be at risk. However, it’s crucial to avoid over-identification as false positives can accrue a cost that’s difficult to measure.

Identifying the Needs

Teachers must use screening and assessment tools to identify students who may need reading intervention. Then, they must use a problem-solving/data-based decision-making method to develop and implement effective interventions.

Students with reading problems need explicit, systematic, intensive instruction in the core components of literacy: phonemic awareness, sound-symbol correspondence, patterns and conventions of print, morphology, and syntax. These interventions also must be tailored to the needs of individual students. They are typically supplemental and take place outside of classroom instruction.

Some children are unable to acquire the basic skills that lead to reading success because they have developmental delays or disabilities, while others arrive at school without the early literacy experiences that are essential for developing reading proficiency. Other students struggle because they are not motivated or do not have the cultural fit for the specialized instruction that is often required in reading intervention.

This specialized instruction can take several forms, including:

Developing a Plan

Students who struggle with reading often experience frustration and lack motivation. In order to combat this, teachers should find ways to make sure each student experiences success. This can be done by encouraging students to practice and finding ways to let them know when they are making progress. This can also be done by letting them choose books that interest them.

One effective strategy is called reading intervention or IRI. In this approach, teachers provide intensive instruction to a small group of struggling students. This instruction focuses on the most critical areas of reading development: phonemic awareness, sound-symbol correspondence, word analysis and patterns and conventions of print.

The Florida Education Research Foundation maintains a resource that can help identify reading programs with high levels of evidence. The site offers information on program design, evidence ratings and other features to support Florida local education agencies in selecting high-quality reading programs for their schools. The resources are broken down by grade level, student subgroup and intervention type.

Providing Support

Reading intervention focuses on the key areas that are critical for reading development. These include phonological awareness, blending and segmenting sounds into words, recognizing letters and their upper and lower case forms, recognizing the patterns of print and understanding vocabulary. These are known as the Big 5 Reading Areas, and they make up the foundation that students need to be successful readers.

Reading instruction consists of small group and individual reading instruction. Reading intervention varies depending on the needs of each student, and it is offered as supplemental instruction to classroom reading instruction.

Students are eligible for reading intervention based on teacher recommendation, class performance, standardized testing and district local assessments. The assessment data helps to determine students who need supplemental intervention in Tier 1 core instruction, push-in or targeted interventions in Tier 2 or intensive intervention in Tier 3.

The Five Stages of Children Education

children education

Children are naturally driven to explore and learn. They thrive in environments that value their natural curiosity and competence, and support healthy risk-taking and self-belief.

Brain development is shaped most effectively by consistent, supportive relationships and responsive communication. Schools that focus on whole child development provide these kinds of conditions.

Physical Development

Physical development involves growth and changes in the body including the brain, muscles and senses. It includes gross motor skills (big muscle movements) and fine motor skills (small muscle movements).

Infants’ and toddlers’ physical development enables them to overcome the physical limitations they face as they explore their world. This lays the foundation for social-emotional development and cognitive development.

Newborns can only lift their chin and their arms up, but soon they are able to roll over and move their limbs around. They learn to stand and sit and, with practice, they can walk, run and jump.

Children need plenty of exercise and nutrition to promote healthy physical development and improve their cognitive thinking skills. They need to play outdoors, run and jump and also do more complex physical activities like molding clay or writing with a pencil. According to Vygotsky, teachers can enhance children’s knowledge by guiding their explorations and helping them make meaning.

Social Development

Children who have strong relationships with peers are better able to adjust to school challenges, as well as to resolve conflicts. They are also more confident, which can have a positive impact on learning.

Parents play a critical role in social development by offering their children consistent experiences with family members and other caregivers. Parents also play a major part in helping their children develop their own independence by encouraging them to try new things, and by giving them reasonable levels of freedom.

A child’s education must go beyond learning how to read and write, it should help them become responsible citizens who are equipped with the numeracy and literacy skills that countries need for economic success. This includes ensuring that all children, including those living in poverty, have access to quality early childhood education and care. Investing in this area will save money in the long run, as it reduces reliance on welfare and other social services, as well as reducing the cost of crime and delinquency.

Language and Literacy Development

Language development involves the skills used to communicate with others through languages, and literacy is the ability to read. Children acquire both of these skills throughout their childhoods.

Infants and toddlers begin to discriminate, encode and manipulate the sounds of their native language through a process called phonological awareness. By the time they are preschoolers, they are recognizing letters and words, singing alphabet songs, and reciting simple word strings (e.g., “dadadada, bababa”).

As children progress through the emergent literacy stage they may engage in behaviors such as pretending to read books and using context clues when reading. They also become more familiar with the orientation of printed words on a page and start to rely less on educational crutches to help them read. During this stage, children are able to read longer materials such as textbooks with little difficulty. They are able to spell complex consonant words and have an easier time grouping letters together for pronunciation.

Thinking (Cognitive) Skills

Children must be able to process and interpret new information in order to learn. Their cognitive development is how well their brains can make connections to this information, and this is also referred to as their processing speed.

Children develop their thinking skills through free play, and it is important that they have enough time to play each day. Activities that require a lot of brain power, like building with Lego or other similar materials, nurture this development. Children also need the opportunity to be creative, whether it is through drawing, painting or moulding with clay. They must also be able to problem-solve, such as when their ideas do not always work the first time.

Children are naturally inquisitive, and it is good for parents to encourage this by answering their questions accurately and patiently. It is also good for children to question their own beliefs and opinions, so they can form their own worldviews.

What Is Education Support?

education support

Education is one of the most crucial investments we can make in our future. But it’s a huge challenge to get the funding to boost our schools and colleges.

Luckily, there are many charities that fight for educational equality. Educate Girls, for example, runs door-to-door surveys to identify out-of-school girls and enroll them in local schools.

Academic Support

Academic support is a broad category of educational strategies intended to help students succeed in their studies. It can include tutoring sessions, supplemental courses, summer learning experiences, and student-teacher advisors. It may also include alternative ways of grouping or instructing students, and faculty training and workshops. Academic support may be provided to individual students, groups of students such as specific racial or cultural populations, or the entire student body.

Students have multiple demands on their time and energy, including work, family, and social life. In addition, they often encounter personal challenges such as poverty, balancing school and home responsibilities, or academic struggles in their courses.

Many of these concerns can be addressed through academic advising, a key support service offered by Pace. However, this principal academic resource can go underutilized by some students, who consider advising to be an optional service that they might only use when they are registering for classes or have a crisis.

Individualised Learning Support

A key component of individualised learning support is to create relevance. This involves connecting the learning with a child’s interests, strengths and goals. It’s also important to make sure that students understand the value of the work they do in school.

Often, students are disengaged because they believe that what is being taught has little or no connection to the real world. Individualised learning supports can help to create this link, ensuring that students are more engaged and less likely to drop out.

Teachers or school teams will consult with a student, their parents/guardians/carers and other professionals to identify the student’s aspirations, goals, strengths and needs. They will then develop personalised adjustments to support the student in participating at the same level as their peers. They will monitor and review the effectiveness of these adjustments regularly. They will ensure that all records are maintained in accordance with school, sector and/or jurisdiction policy and practice requirements.

Observation & Recording

Observation and recording are the foundations of many forms of learning support. They allow practitioners to document a child’s progress and identify areas for further development. They are also used to promote consistency in practices across the service.

Using photographs and video recordings of a child is another way to capture observation evidence. Teachers can replay key moments in a child’s day and observe their interactions with others, play patterns and developmental milestones. They can also listen to children’s conversations to monitor language development.

To ensure that observations are meaningful and useful, they need to be documented in a timely manner. This means that a report should be completed as soon as possible, while the information is still fresh and the recall is at its optimum. Avoiding slang and psychological jargon maximises clarity when reporting on a child’s behaviour. For example, a note about “a ubiquitous olfactororial assault” is more meaningful than a vague statement such as “poor smell”. This is a great way to record the specifics of a child’s experience.

General Office Tasks

As an education support officer, you may assist teachers in the classroom or work with individual students as required. This can involve providing academic support to students with their learning, or helping children who struggle with social and emotional behaviours.

General office tasks may include proofreading, recording meetings and operating various office equipment like photocopiers and scanners, fax machines and voice mail systems. You may also perform administrative functions such as entering data into computer databases and spreadsheets, managing information files and preparing responses to inquiries.

The duties of an education support officer can be varied, but it’s a great career choice for people with strong customer service skills and a willingness to learn new things. The job is generally full-time, though many employees choose to do it on a part-time basis for flexibility and work-life balance. Those who excel in this career often have an interest in the Building, Persuading and Organizing Holland Code areas.

Student Activists Challenge the Absence of Student Voices in School Decision-Making Processes


School is the place where children spend much of their time. Kids learn there, and they escape from it when they play hooky.

Most countries have formal systems of education that require attendance at schools. These include primary school for children and secondary school for teenagers.

Some schools provide special needs services for children with learning or physical challenges. These schools may have more staff or specialized facilities.

The Purpose of School

Across North America and the world student activists are challenging the absence of their voices throughout school decision-making apparatuses on every level. These student-led efforts – at times partnered with adults, other times not – are significant steps up the ladder of Meaningful Student Involvement.

Schools are intended to serve many different purposes. One purpose is cultural transmission, the transfer of values, beliefs and attitudes from one generation to the next. Another purpose is economic – training students to fit into the workforce, or into a particular field.

A third purpose is socialization – teaching students to navigate the complex rules and expectations of society. Lastly, schools can also function as a form of control – reinforcing certain behaviors and societal norms like conformity and respect for authority.

The Environment

Several factors contribute to the environment in which schools operate. These include physical, academic, and social dimensions of the school.

The physical environment includes the facilities, equipment, and infrastructure of schools. It is important that teachers and students are able to learn in comfortable conditions. This also allows them to develop a productive relationship with each other.

A positive school environment encourages students to attend classes and boosts student mental and physical health. It also leads to a higher attendance rate and improves teacher retention.

Many schools are now being built using green construction techniques. Green schools are designed with energy-efficient features and use sustainable materials that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote healthy indoor air quality. These schools often cost less to operate, which can lead to major savings for local governments and school districts. Educators, environmentalists, and other groups are driving this movement to build green schools. Even real estate professionals are getting in on the action.

The Teachers

There are a number of concrete perks to teaching, such as working close to home and guaranteed holidays, but teachers say the most rewarding part is impacting change for students. Seeing a student struggle and then succeed makes it all worthwhile for them.

Teachers often take on their jobs because they believe in the power of education to create a better future. They’re compassionate people who have a passion for learning and children. They’re dedicated to their students and work around the clock to help them. They know when to push students and when to give them a helping hand. They’re able to simplify complex topics and make abstract ideas tangible to their students. They’re role models and acculturators, opening doors for students that otherwise would remain shut. They provide an essential service and play a critical part in the development of their nation. They’re responsible for creating a society that’s ready to work together to improve the world.

The Students

Students get to learn a lot of different things at school. They are often exposed to topics that they might not have been exposed to before, and some find that they connect with certain subjects on a deeper level. Schools provide students with the opportunity to see what their potential could be and to work towards that goal.

School is also a space where students can feel like they are part of a community. This can be important for some kids, especially if they do not have a lot of family support at home.

Traditional public schools are generally neighborhood schools, and they are paid for by a combination of property taxes and state and federal funds. These funds help pay for things like teacher salaries, supplies and student services. State law also regulates many aspects of these schools, including testing and graduation requirements.

The Benefits of Kindergarten


Kindergarten helps children make the transition from education at home or in preschool to classroom learning with a teacher and other students. The experience also builds kids’ confidence and self-worth.

German pedagogue Friedrich Froebel founded the first kindergartens in 1837. The word means “garden for children.” He was inspired by a philosophy that believed that play was the way kids learn best.

Language and Literacy

Creating literacy-rich experiences can help students acquire the reading skills they need to become proficient readers. These skills include oral language and alphabet knowledge, as well as the ability to recognize that written words represent spoken sounds.

Literacy development is an important part of overall child development, and can begin before a child enters kindergarten. Talking, singing, playing sound and word games, reading together and watching television with children all contribute to early literacy.

The term kindergarten comes from German and translates to “children’s garden.” In almost all countries where it is available, kindergarten is the first year of school before compulsory primary school at age 6. In some regions in Africa, such as SOS Children’s Villages, this is often combined with full-day care.

Kindergartens worldwide follow educational philosophies based on Friedrich Frobel’s theories of self-directed learning and children’s natural creativity. However, poorer regions face greater challenges with providing the facilities and resources needed for kindergartens to operate.


During their first year of school, kindergarteners learn to count, identify shapes and colors, and compare sizes. They also begin to understand simple addition and subtraction.

Practice these skills at home with free printable kindergarten math worksheets. Kids use pie charts, dot plots, line graphs and more to work on comparing, measuring and ordering.

Other activities focus on calendars and temperatures, identifying alternating patterns, sorting and classifying objects by shape and size, and learning the days of the week and months of the year. Encourage young children to count everywhere and congratulate them on every success, no matter how small.

Once your child has mastered basic counting, try simple addition games like Addition Equation and Crossy Chicken. Then, move on to ordinal numbers, such as first, second, third, etc. Playing these online kindergarten games from Turtle Diary is a great way to introduce your children to computer-based learning. It’s fun, colorful and doesn’t feel like a “work” activity.

Social and Emotional Development

Social and emotional skills are critical to children’s success in school. These are the skills that help them form positive relationships, understand and express emotions, follow directions and interact respectfully with their peers. Research shows that students who enter kindergarten without these skills are more likely to experience negative school outcomes.

As a classroom teacher, you can support children’s social and emotional development by encouraging them to talk about their feelings with responsive adults and to listen to others. You can also model positive relationships and classroom behavior, and offer opportunities for children to practice problem solving when conflict arises.

Teachers sorted 90 index cards for one boy and one girl whom they recalled as highly ready for 4-year-old kindergarten. The teachers’ sort results were then analyzed to determine the probability that these boys and girls fit each of four clusters of characteristics that reflect the most ready. Each of these clusters includes children who are calm and self-regulated, active and attentive, persistent, and independent.

Independent Learning

Various initiatives, circulars and curriculum documents from governmental agencies and teaching associations have given prominence to independent learning. However, transforming this interest and commitment into classroom realities often proves challenging.

Developing independence in students means encouraging them to work alone and not depend on the teacher for every answer or solution. It also means providing children with the opportunity to be creative and explore new topics of study by themselves – not in a group – without being constantly interrupted.

The best way to do this is by giving the students a chance to plan their own work, make decisions and experience success in achieving those goals. It also involves allowing time for review and reflection.

To encourage the process, it’s important to provide constructive and detailed oral and written feedback. It’s also vital to limit the use of attainment grades and scores and instead promote a system in which the level of effort is graded.

What is Reading Intervention?

Reading intervention

Reading intervention is a great way to help students improve their reading skills. The program teaches students to read by practicing at their level and using different strategies. The program also helps them develop self-esteem and learn study skills.

Students with learning disabilities or who have trouble in reading need specialized instruction that focuses on the major components of reading development. These include phonemic awareness, sound-symbol correspondence, phonics and comprehension.

It is based on the needs of the student

Reading intervention is a personalized approach to instruction for students who are struggling in the classroom. This process involves small group instruction, progress monitoring, and a focus on student needs. It can be used in conjunction with regular classroom reading instruction or as a supplement.

When students struggle, they are often frustrated and discouraged by their lack of success. Developing reading skills takes time and patience, so it’s important to set realistic expectations for your students. Providing positive feedback is also critical. When a child feels like they are succeeding, their motivation to keep working at it skyrockets.

In addition to reading comprehension strategies, there are a number of other tools that can help students improve their reading skills. These include: rereading, connecting knowledge and understanding the main idea, and reciprocal questioning. These tools can help students improve their performance in the Big 5 Reading Areas. They are often used in combination with other evidence-based interventions.

It is effective

Reading intervention is a highly effective way to help struggling students improve their reading skills. It provides personalized instruction to meet the needs of each student, and it is designed to be a long-term strategy. It also helps students overcome their language barriers and become confident readers. However, it is important to remember that every student learns at a different pace, and the results of a reading intervention may not be apparent right away.

The most effective instruction combines explicit guidance with multiple practice opportunities for the targeted skill. This type of instruction is characterized by the teacher providing clear explanations and modeling of the skill, followed by guided practice with corrective feedback. Students are then encouraged to apply the new skill independently.

Previous research syntheses have focused primarily on the effects of word recognition interventions on student reading outcomes. However, the findings for students in the upper elementary grades have not been disaggregated, and many teachers are unclear about how these results can be applied to their instruction.

It is a long-term strategy

Reading intervention is an evidenced-based approach that helps students improve their skills. It focuses on the areas of vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. It also includes activities that target higher order language skills such as word analysis and meaning construction. It can be implemented at all levels of the multi-tiered system of support.

This type of instruction is critical for students who have not mastered basic literacy skills, such as decoding and spelling. Depending on the student’s needs, the program may include phonics, spelling, and word identification lessons.

In some schools, the extra help is delivered in the form of tutoring or expanded after-school programs. However, it is challenging to find enough time for such interventions. A major obstacle is making efficient transitions between activities, which can take several minutes. Teachers need to be more efficient in their management of behaviors, which will free up more time for reading intervention. Teachers should also focus on limiting the number of transitions between activities and working on maximizing instructional time.

It is a good way to overcome language barriers

Reading intervention is a good way to overcome language barriers and help students become confident readers. This strategy focuses on the specific needs of students and allows them to learn at their own pace. However, it is important to remember that not all students will make progress at the same rate.

Poor readers tend to over rely on textual cues and have difficulty suppressing irrelevant information during reading, which limits their use of cognitive energies to gain meaning from print (Pressley, 1998). These students need opportunities to practice sounding out words in order to free up enough energy for comprehension.

A comprehensive program for preventing reading difficulties involves screening, assessment, and systematic intervention. Teachers should work collaboratively with other professionals to collect data that defines a problem in observable terms and determine what intervention strategies will be most effective. These strategies can include teacher observations, behavioral interventions, and reading fluency interventions. The results of these methods should be measured on a regular basis to track progress.

Whole Child Approach to Children Education

children education

A whole child approach focuses on students’ relationships, identity, emotional understanding and overall well-being. It also includes an emphasis on community outreach.

As a teacher of young children, you are often one of the first adults a child has interacted with outside of his family. You serve as a surrogate parent, teaching him social skills and forming his early friendships.


As part of their education children learn socialization. This is the process of learning cultural values, norms and societal customs. It is essential to a human being’s psychological development and without it society cannot survive. Children are socialized through the family, peer group and school environment.

In the first stage, or primary socialization, children acquire basic skills like language and cognitive abilities. In this stage children also develop self-control by being able to delay biological impulses.

The second phase, or secondary socialization, occurs in the child’s relationship with a peer group and societal institutions like schools. This is when the child develops a conscience aligned with societal norms and prepares for different roles.

A good example of this is gender socialization where boys and girls begin to internalize their ascribed social role based on sex. For example, a boy may start to identify with his mother and feel love towards her while a girl begins to feel jealousy toward her father.


The confidence that children have in their own abilities directly affects how they think about challenges and interact with the world around them. Having low self-esteem can lead to fear and anxiety that prevents children from trying new things or pushing themselves when they encounter difficulties.

Encourage children to build a healthy sense of self-esteem by encouraging them to share their feelings with you and to view their mistakes as learning opportunities. Provide children with unconditional support and positive affirmations about their abilities and accomplishments. Praise effort, not results; praise is a powerful tool for motivating children to work hard.

Encourage children to feel part of a community by connecting them with their extended family through family meetings, visiting grandparents and other relatives, and providing opportunities for them to participate in religious communities, sporting events and community festivals. Studies have shown that feeling connected to others increases self-esteem and improves relationships (King, Vidourek, Davis & McClellan, 2009). A great book to read on this topic is “Mindset.”

Learning to Cooperate

Working together is a crucial part of children’s education. It allows them to develop their weaker skills while sharing their strengths with others. It also helps them learn to respect other perspectives and to find solutions that may be different from their own.

Cooperation is a skill that needs to be learned, and teachers can help children learn it by modeling it at home and at school. Parents and caregivers can use language to encourage cooperation, such as “Listen Jamie!” or “Now please”. They can read books about people who work well with each other and ask children to discuss how the characters felt.

Research has shown that teaching cooperative learning can improve group work behaviour in young primary school pupils. For example, Gillies (2004) showed that implementing a cooperative learning program resulted in improved group performance as measured by less negative behaviours, more participation and higher-level talk. Blatchford et al. (2006) found that a successful school-wide implementation of cooperative learning had an effect on the group work behaviour of Grade 1 pupils.


During their early years, children explore their ideas and interests through play. They gain knowledge of the world around them and build self-esteem through their accomplishments in various activities.

They also learn how to relate with others and communicate their feelings. They can use their growing communication skills to collaborate with peers and teachers. During this time, students learn to set goals and work through ambiguous situations. Students begin to understand their own learning processes and develop a sense of agency as they navigate through the turbulence of an increasingly complex environment.

The period from birth to age eight is a critical window of opportunity for education. It establishes the foundation for a child’s social skills, self-esteem, perception of the world and moral outlook. In addition to a safe and nurturing environment, early childhood education programs need to be culturally responsive to ensure children see themselves represented in the program. This includes racial and ethnic identity, religion, language, family structure, gender and ability/disability.

Education Support For Children With Special Needs

Many children need extra support that is difficult for teachers to deliver in a classroom setting. This may include help with their behaviours and understanding the syllabus. It also involves working with children who have emotional and behavioural challenges.

Education support services include academic advising, transportation assistance, day care expenses, clothes, books and supplies. Some also provide tutoring and open use computer labs.

Communication skills

Teachers must be able to communicate well with their students if they are to succeed in the classroom. They need to know if their students are understanding the material and if they need further explanation. This is especially true for special needs students who can be difficult to understand if their language skills are lacking.

The best way to teach communication skills is by using methods that allow students hands-on practice and clear directions. This can include role-playing, acing out skills and encouraging discussion of issues such as empathy and nonverbal cues. It is also important to create an environment that encourages students to ask questions and discuss their subjective and objective doubts.

Students who lack good communication skills are more likely to become disengaged in school and may even drop out. This can have a negative impact on their future and could lead to a lifetime of learning difficulties. Some of the most successful people in the world have great speaking skills. These include Abraham Lincoln, Malala Yousafzai, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Behaviour management skills

Behaviour management skills are a key component of teaching and can be used to address behaviour problems in the classroom. These techniques can be used by teachers, healthcare professionals, and other support workers to encourage positive behaviours in individuals and groups. They are also useful in supporting students with behavioural issues, such as ADHD or autism.

Effective classroom behaviour management involves using a variety of strategies to help students behave well and focus on learning. These include positive reinforcement, defusing a situation, and redirecting students. It is important to remember that student misbehaviour is often not personal – students act out because they’re struggling and don’t know how to cope.

It is also helpful to develop a teacher network, a support system for dealing with challenging student behaviour. This can involve reaching out to other teachers, or attending teacher training sessions that cover a range of classroom management tips and techniques. It is also helpful to use an online behaviour management system such as Class Dojo, which rewards good behaviour and encourages a positive classroom culture.

Providing support to children with special needs

Children with special needs face many challenges that are often more complex than those of typically developing children. Whether it’s emotional or physical disabilities, these issues can affect their schooling experience. However, there are ways to support students with special needs and improve their chances of success in the classroom.

Education support workers include paraeducators, administrative assistants, custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, and other school employees who are vital to the learning process. These professionals help children with academic and behavioural challenges, as well as those with emotional and developmental disabilities.

They work in collaboration with teachers and other support staff, as well as parents and other family members. These relationships are key to ensuring the child is receiving the necessary support in a way that’s consistent with his or her individual needs. They also work to ensure that families have the resources they need to be successful advocates for their child. Ultimately, they want to empower their students with the skills needed for success in life and to live a fulfilling, independent lifestyle.

Working with children with emotional and behavioural challenges

All children are naughty and defiant from time to time, but some of these behaviours are outside the normal range and could be a sign of a more serious behavioural disorder. Working with these children requires patience and empathy.

Education support workers also have the knowledge to understand how these disorders develop and can offer support to help them through the process. This may include parent management training, family therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy to teach the child new ways of dealing with their emotions.

It’s hard to imagine a school operating without dedicated and caring ESPs, and it’s great to see them getting the recognition they deserve. Congratulations to Angela Vigna, the 2022 Dolores McCracken PSEA Education Support Professional of the Year. You can read more about her story here. Education Support (formerly Teacher Support Network, Recourse and Worklife Support Partnership) is a UK charity which champions the good mental health of teachers, lecturers, schools and their support staff.

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