What is Reading Intervention?

Reading intervention is about noticing that a pupil is struggling with reading, and helping them on their own or in a small group. These programs usually aim to teach children skills like decoding, comprehension and vocabulary.

School boards often use commercial programs that have research supporting their effectiveness or are aligned with the science of effective classroom instruction and interventions. Many inquiry schools reported that they wanted the Ministry to provide more direction on which programs to use.

How do I know if my child needs reading intervention?

Children who struggle to read will often exhibit red-flag behaviors that are a sign of reading difficulty. They may refuse to read or play word games, complain about schoolwork and have low self-esteem. They are likely to have trouble rhyming and remembering letter sounds (/a/ as in apple).

Spelling errors can also be a sign that a child needs reading intervention. While minor spelling mistakes are normal, persistent reversals of letters such as b and d may indicate an issue with orthographic processing that could negatively impact both reading fluency and comprehension.

Parents should ask about the curriculum their children are being taught and look for an explicit, systematic approach to phonics instruction. They should also consider whether their school uses the term “balanced literacy,” which suggests a whole-language approach that doesn’t spend enough time teaching phonics. They should also consider programs like Lexia Core 5 that offer a structured, online approach to addressing deficits in phonics, decoding, word reading and comprehension.

What are the goals of reading intervention?

Reading intervention aims to help struggling students overcome their reading challenges and build confidence. For some children, this is a very long journey that takes years and requires lots of patience from tutors. However, when it works, the student will regain their self-confidence and be better equipped to learn in school and beyond.

The goal of any reading program should be to provide consistent and evidence-based teaching and interventions. This involves using an RTI or MTSS framework that is aligned with current reading science and research.

Another key reading intervention goal is to ensure that the program can effectively track and monitor students’ progress over time. This includes providing frequent progress monitoring tests and using data to inform instructional decisions. It also involves developing a system for analyzing student data and identifying gaps in students’ skills. This will help teachers to determine the best strategies and support for each child’s unique needs. It will also ensure that each child is making progress toward their long-term goals.

How do I know if my child is ready for reading intervention?

Every child is unique but there are some signs you can look for that will help you determine if your child is ready to learn to read. For example, children that show reading readiness will recognize that letters on paper have meaning and will want to discover what those words are. They will also be able to point out the printed word in books, newspapers or other articles.

In addition, children who show reading readiness will be eager to turn those squiggles and lines into something they can understand. They will also be able to hold a book in their hands with the pages turned correctly (left to right and front to back).

Having an engaging classroom and supportive family life are also important components of reading readiness. Parents can support their children’s literacy development by making reading and writing a regular activity and encouraging them to play games that target the skills they are working on.

What are the benefits of reading intervention?

Reading intervention is a way for educators to help students who are struggling with reading. It focuses on the main skills children need to learn how to read: phonemic awareness, phonics, and comprehension strategies.

In addition, it helps to improve reading fluency and vocabulary. This allows students to understand what they are reading more fully, leading to better grades and academic performance.

This can be done in many ways, including by working with a student one-on-one outside of class, making adjustments in the classroom instruction, or having students work on specific reading skills during a separate time of the day. School districts can also find and use specific interventions that are evidence-based on the What Works Clearinghouse website. This resource lists programs by grade level and includes an overview of the research. It also shows the evidence rating for each program and whether it has been proven effective or not. Let’s Go Learn has an extensive library of diagnostic assessments to identify student needs and provide reading intervention instruction.

What is Reading Intervention?
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