Different Types of Reading Intervention

There are many different ways to help children with reading. Guided, choral, and repetitive reading are some of the methods that can be used. The key is to find a program that best suits the needs of your child.

Guided reading

Guided reading is an instructional method that supports small groups of students in reading independently. A guided reading lesson includes before, during, and after reading activities. Its main purpose is to help students understand the text they are reading.

Guided reading works best with students who have similar reading abilities and skills. To ensure that all students are reading at their level, it is important to assess them. Some teachers use a tool called a benchmark assessment system, which consists of 50+ tasks for exploration and discovery. This system can also be used with film, graphic novels, and digital literacy.

The benchmark assessment system provides teachers with a streamlined process for assessing their students. Using this system, they can track progress over time and identify the most important areas for instruction.

Tap lights

When it comes to identifying and promoting literacy in a one-on-one setting, one of the best options is a teacher who is hands on. This can be achieved by using a touch light as opposed to a buzzer or an overbearing ooh-ooh. The touch light has the added benefit of being able to be used to manipulate sounds. A touch light is not only a great teaching tool, but it also allows the educator to spend more time with the students. The touch light can be purchased for as little as a few bucks.

Luckily, the cost of the touch light is a small price to pay for the benefits it can bring. Besides providing visual cues, a touch light is also a great way to limit the number of students who decide to exit the classroom without a word.

Choral reading

Choral reading is an instructional technique that improves students’ reading fluency, reading comprehension, and vocabulary skills. The activity can be done in small groups or with all students, depending on the needs of the class. The benefits of choral reading include increased student confidence, more student involvement, and improved reading fluency and vocabulary knowledge.

This type of reading intervention is easy to implement. The key is to choose a text that is at the same level as the class. For example, use a book or passage of a story for choral reading. This will ensure that all children are able to participate.

In order to get the most out of choral reading, the teacher and students will need to work together. For this reason, it is important to organize children into groups according to their ability.


Repeated readings are an effective method for improving reading skills. These techniques improve word recognition, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary.

Many studies show that students who have trouble with reading benefit from repeated reading. In the most basic form of this strategy, a student reads the same passage again and again until he becomes familiar with the text and can read it without making errors.

Repeated readings can be used in a group or individual setting. Regardless of the type of intervention, the same principles apply. However, a number of variables affect how the procedure is executed.

The selection of text for repeated readings is critical. The passage should be challenging, but decodable. Select a passage that is between fifty and one hundred words long.


Strategic Adolescent Reading Intervention is an engaging and effective way to improve reading skills in adolescent readers. The STARI program is designed to bolster basic reading skills and boost comprehension, especially when it comes to words of more than three letters. Using a tiered approach, STARI uses a variety of text and non-text material to engage struggling adolescents. The main goal is to boost their receptiveness to a variety of language and a range of genres. As a result, students are more likely to engage in higher level reading activities.

The STARI program is a collaborative effort among four Massachusetts school districts and Harvard University. The STARI has earned the aforementioned title by implementing a variety of literature-focused literacy strategies in an effort to accelerate reading growth in middle and high school students. The STARI curriculum features nine units that feature text and non-text materials of varying complexity. STARI includes a novel, a short story, poems, and a number of other materials.

Different Types of Reading Intervention
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