In elementary school, a reading intervention program may be necessary for students who struggle with reading. This type of program is designed to increase student proficiency in reading and develop a reading habit. It can also help students develop their writing skills. These interventions can be used both in the classroom and in small groups. In both cases, the goal of the intervention is to boost a student’s reading ability and make them a better writer.
An intervention program may consist of many different elements, depending on the needs of the student. These programs may focus on phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, and more. Individualized intervention programs may also include a home reading program. While these programs may not be effective for every child, they can help a struggling reader improve his or her reading skills and lead a more normal life.
If you’re looking for a free reading intervention resource, you may want to check out Reading Rainbow. This site has a wealth of resources to help struggling readers. They are broken down into 5 areas of literacy, and have games, lessons, and interventions to help children become more proficient readers. Additionally, they include student centers for each grade level and area of reading. If you’re looking for more hands-on activities to help your struggling reader, Reading Rainbow is a great place to start.