Month: June 2023

How to Involve Students in School Decision-Making


Schools are the places that help students to learn skills and knowledge. They also provide them with the social and interpersonal skills that they need to become part of society (Education).

But these days schools are facing a lot of challenges. Their decisions about how to teach and what to include in the curriculum are being attacked by culture warriors.


The education system is a set of social and economic factors that typically make up schools at the federal, state or community levels. These include school facilities, personnel, funding and teaching resources. It also includes a functioning process for preparing teachers.

In many countries, administrative and legislative prescriptions determine what is taught in schools. This is especially true in the case of public schools, where the choice of textbooks and curriculum materials often lies outside of a teacher’s control.

Teachers must be able to understand their own cultures and to respect other cultures, and they should also be able to communicate with students of different backgrounds. In addition to the latent functions of education, educational psychologists suggest that it can teach students to value diversity and tolerance for different opinions and lifestyles.

In the twentieth century, a push to “norm” children based on national standards led to the rise of tests and standardized curriculum. This pressure increased the number of specialized training programs, known as normal schools, that colleges of education established to prepare teachers for their profession.


Traditionally, students are not involved in the decisions that shape their schools. Student voice has largely been limited to extracurricular activities, such as school spirit events and interest-based clubs. But if schools want to embrace meaningful student voice, they must change their positions, policies, practices and procedures.

The structure of a school involves administrative personnel, licensed and unlicensed support staff, and teachers. Administrators are responsible for making and enforcing school-wide rules and policies, as well as overseeing the work of teachers and ensuring that they are teaching the required curriculum.

Since 1988, significant organisational changes have been made, including the decoupling of funding from Local Government control and the introduction of both Academies and Free Schools (although Free Schools are not obligated to follow the Comprehensive structure). However, these changes have not fundamentally altered the structure of education.


Schools should enable students to develop the skills they need to engage in life. This includes the academic subjects that make up a curriculum, but it also encompasses other skills, such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. These are broader life-long competencies that can equip students to tackle the economic, cultural, and social challenges that they will inevitably encounter.

Schools also provide opportunities for students to learn about their cultures and to live respectfully with diversity. This is important because it helps students understand their own cultural identities and to appreciate the diversity of the world around them.

Schools face the challenge of generating agreement on goals among parents, students, teachers, and administrators. This is difficult because of the wide variety of desired goals. However, one way that schools attempt to address this issue is by promoting a “cafeteria style” curriculum that offers something for everyone. This is not a perfect solution, but it can help reduce the amount of disagreement over what schools should do.


As public institutions, schools are a part of the communities they serve. As such, they must involve those communities in decisions and governance activities. Often, this is done through school-based committee groups such as village education committees and school development committees. In addition, community-inclusive processes like participatory decision-making cultivate a wide range of perspectives to inform decision-making.

Educators can also cultivate community involvement through school-based health centers and nutrition programs. This can help low-income students who are more likely to be sick and miss school days due to hunger or illness, and whose families may not have access to affordable health care services.

Finally, students that feel supported by their peers and teachers are more likely to stay engaged in school. This sense of belonging, in turn, promotes student retention and supports teacher optimism and confidence.

What Kinds of Skills Do Kids Learn in Kindergarten?


Kindergarten teaches young children cognitive, emotional and social skills to become open and collaborative learners. They also develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their world.

Kindergartners build on their counting and number sense by learning to add and subtract. They also learn about the weather and other aspects of science, such as identifying shapes.


Math is one of the most fundamental academic skills your children will learn in kindergarten. It lays the foundation for other subjects like reading and problem-solving.

Kids will count objects and numbers, and learn to name those numbers in sequence. They will also begin to understand addition and subtraction as a “bringing together” process and a “taking apart” process. They will learn to solve problems involving real-life situations like if Juan and Michele each have 4 cookies, and they add 3 more, how many total cookies do they have?

Kindergarten math will also include early measurement concepts like length, weight and capacity. They will also start learning about 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. Pattern recognition is another important Kindergarten math skill. It allows kids to organize information in a logical manner and is an essential component of other subject areas such as language arts (rhyming, predicting text) and music.


Science may seem like a topic reserved for college chemistry classes or high school biology, but early scientific experiences are critical to children’s learning. Kindergarten students will learn about things that occur in the natural world through hands-on activities and projects, such as sorting piles of objects, experimenting with materials and classifying items by their properties. They’ll also observe and compare changes in nature, such as watching snow melt or tracking the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

The first criterion of scientific exploration for young children is that the phenomena selected must be accessible through direct manipulation with materials and drawn from the environment in which they live. For example, studying snails is a great way for kids to build on their knowledge of objects that move through the water by comparing the motion of snails and earthworms. Likewise, a marble run is a great tool to help them better understand the principle of gravity.

Social Studies

One of the reasons it is important to teach kids social studies at a young age is that it teaches them how to be civil participants in a democratic society. It teaches kids how to communicate, how to think critically and how to respect the culture of other people.

This is especially true when it comes to learning about world cultures and traditions. Kids should begin with their own family’s traditions and values, but they also need to learn about the different cultures of the world so that they can value other people’s beliefs and customs.

Teachers can foster this kind of understanding by embracing the natural interests of kids and planning open-ended explorations that build students’ capacities for civic engagement. They can provide opportunities for students to participate in research, debate, discussions and projects of all kinds. They can use a variety of resources and materials that are accessible to kids and that have been chosen with equity in mind.

Language Arts

At the kindergarten level kids are learning that their words have meaning and can be put together to make sentences. They have a great imagination and want to learn more about their world around them. Language arts teaches them how to use their imaginations in reading and story telling.

They are taught the alphabet and beginning phonics through drills, songs, games, activities and large worktexts. They are also able to print their names and some words, as well as follow simple directions. They can write in a journal-like format and draw pictures to create meaning.

Kids at this age start to realize that they can ask questions about their school and classroom experiences. They can communicate with others in small and larger groups using different strategies to reach understanding. They can compare and contrast with a friend and are more likely to play games that have rules. They can identify long and short vowels, r-controlled and l-controlled sounds, as well as syllables, consonant digraphs and blending.

What is Reading Intervention?

Reading intervention

Reading intervention is a special individualized program that teaches students early reading skills and strategies. It focuses on improving key reading skills such as phonological awareness, decoding and phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension.

It also focuses on developing strong reading skills through a variety of methods such as partner reading and utilizing the STARI program. This website is a one-stop shop for resources, broken down by the different components of literacy.

It focuses on boosting the skills of slow readers

Reading intervention is an intensive program that provides supplemental instruction for students who are struggling with reading. It has been shown to be highly effective in improving reading skills for students who have a difficult time learning. It also helps children develop a habit of reading. It is important to note that the effectiveness of reading intervention depends on how it is administered. It is important to monitor progress and ensure that the program is being implemented properly.

Although classroom teachers can sometimes pinpoint students’ reading needs using informal assessments, a more thorough analysis is often required. This includes group-administered, standardized tests and diagnostic reading assessments.

A good reading intervention program will provide a variety of activities for students to practice. It will also focus on enhancing comprehension. It will be taught by a qualified teacher and will be delivered in small groups or on a one-to-one basis. It will help students improve their reading, writing and test-taking skills.

It can be used in a school setting

Reading intervention is a valuable strategy for helping students who struggle to read. It teaches them new skills and strategies, and provides them with practice and encouragement. This allows them to build confidence and improve their performance in school. It can also help them learn faster and retain information more easily.

There are many ways that teachers can implement reading interventions in the classroom, including providing extra time outside of class for reading, implementing structured literacy programs and using one-to-one instruction. In addition, they can use special computer reading programs and other resources to help students develop their reading skills.

This website offers free and easy-to-use resources for reading intervention that can be used by classroom teachers. Its clean design makes it easy to navigate, and the materials are organized by reading component. These resources are evidence-based, and the site also provides forms for documentation. They are also helpful for keeping parents informed of their student’s progress.

It can be used as a home program

Students who are not able to master reading skills in school may benefit from additional instruction outside of the classroom. There are several home-based programs that can help these students improve their reading skills. These programs can be used as part of a reading intervention program or by parents who are committed to a homeschooling model. One example is the Word Box/Word Sort reading intervention, which is a one-to-one program that can strengthen essential phonics skills. It can also be used to teach vocabulary, error correction, and a variety of other skills.

The best online reading intervention programs use a multi-modal approach to guide students through the learning process. They offer auditory feedback to support phonetic understanding, and they encourage students to interact with stories to build their fluency. They can also provide parent reports to show progress. In addition, many online reading programs are available for students whose first language is not English. This helps to bridge the gap between different learning styles and levels of proficiency.

It can be used in a variety of ways

Reading intervention is a great way to help struggling students. It is a multi-sensory approach that can be used in a variety of ways to teach children how to read. These strategies are often based on the needs of an individual student. They may involve teaching reading comprehension ‘fix-up’ skills, such as text prediction, summarization and question generation.

In addition to teaching these skills, it is also important for teachers to keep in mind that students learn at different paces. It is essential to provide support and encouragement, and never be discouraged if a child does not make progress as quickly as other classmates.

Finally, it is important for students to have the opportunity to explore reading independently. This can be done in a variety of ways, including allowing them to select books, placing them in book clubs or assigning creative book reports. Providing specific positive praise is another great way to motivate students. The key is to help them feel successful in their reading. This will boost their motivation and encourage them to continue practicing.

The Importance of Children Education

children education

A high-quality education can yield substantial medium- and long-term benefits for children. Providing children access to these programs is crucial in order to give them the best start in life.

In schools, kids learn to channel their boundless energy into something productive. This is a skill they will need in their adult lives.

Kids Learn New Things

In a safe environment away from their parents, kids meet people of their age and learn to interact with them. This is an important aspect of their education as it will help them develop social skills.

Children also learn about different cultures in their education. This is important because it teaches them to appreciate other people and their differences.

It is also important for kids to learn how to think for themselves. They can do this through various activities that will teach them how to problem-solve and make decisions on their own. Kids can also learn new things through hands-on learning, which is better for them than just reading from a textbook or copying notes. They need to see and experience the concept to really grasp it. This will improve their creativity and intelligence. Kids who enjoy their education will be more likely to want to continue their studies. This is especially important for those in countries where poverty, political instability, or natural disasters cut off access to education.

They Learn How to Think for Theirself

Children learn how to think for themselves through a variety of experiences, from babbling and responding to their name, to engaging in peekaboo and recognizing familiar faces. Kids at this age are very inquisitive and want to know everything they can about the world around them.

Teachers also encourage their learning by helping them develop their social and emotional development. This helps them focus and deal with frustration more effectively. It also teaches them how to respect others.

It may seem like a daunting task for parents to let their kids think for themselves. But by letting them make decisions for themselves, even if it’s the wrong one, kids will eventually learn that they can solve problems on their own. It’s important to be transparent with them about your own decision-making process, so that they can see how you would navigate a certain situation. Then, kids will be more likely to follow your lead. Taking a step back can be hard, but it will help your child grow to be confident in their decision-making skills.

They Learn About Different Cultures

Children are innately some of the most accepting people on the planet, and they’re only limited by how much they’re taught. Whether that comes from parents or teachers, it’s important to expose children to different cultures from an early age. The more diverse they are, the better prepared for the diverse world they’ll enter as adults.

Children also learn about other cultures from TV, movies and video games. Research has shown that the kinds of influences they receive through these media are crucial in determining how they interact with others. For example, violent television shows can lead to aggressive behavior, while educational shows can prepare kids for school.

You can help your child accept and understand new cultures by watching foreign movies, listening to cultural music and visiting museums. You can even get crafty and create a family calendar that features photos of people from different parts of the world to encourage them to talk about it.

They Learn How to Interact with Others

When children interact with other children, they learn to empathize with others. They also learn how to cooperate with their peers. For example, if they are working together on a project, they will learn that everyone has their own role in the process. This is important for kids because it teaches them that they can’t do everything on their own.

They also learn to collaborate with adults in a positive way. For example, they may learn how to take turns with one another or share their toys. This is important for kids because it demonstrates how to treat people fairly.

Many children around the world aren’t getting the education that they need to succeed in life. This is particularly true for children from poor communities and those who live in regions impacted by natural disasters or war. For example, more than 32 million children of primary school age remain uneducated in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Eastern Asia.

Education Support

education support

Education support is a crucial part of the student learning experience. From tutoring to open use computer labs, these services can help students with their academic goals.

However, there are differences in how schools provide and define academic support. This article looks at some of these nuances and how they can impact the student learning experience.

Educational Support Officer

This is a support role that works in school environments to help students who need some extra care. These can be physical disabilities, behavioural issues or emotional problems. Often education support workers will work with small groups of children rather than a whole classroom.

They might be asked to organise resources, equipment and teaching materials; create lesson plans and assist teachers with delivering instruction. They can also help with planning excursions and incursions. Administrative duties like photocopying and managing student records might also be on the agenda.

A key aspect of this job is to supervise students, monitor their behaviour and record data for teacher reports. Then they can provide feedback on student progress, give encouragement and guidance for overcoming obstacles. They can liaise with education management and the support team (teaching assistants, school counsellors or academic advisors) to discuss issues related to students well-being. They can also counsel students on educational, career-related or personal problems.

Instructional Support Staff

Instructional support staff is composed of paraprofessionals who work closely with students. Also referred to as aides, paraeducators and teacher assistants, they are responsible for classroom tasks such as monitoring student behavior, handing out supplies and grading papers. They may be specialized in areas such as PE, music or language teaching and have professional experience.

Specialized instructional support personnel provide social, emotional and mental health prevention, intervention and follow-up services to students to remove barriers to learning. This includes school counselors, psychologists and nurses, but also occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and library media specialists.

SISPs often come to the district from diverse educational backgrounds and with differing levels of preparation. Therefore, schools need to clearly articulate their roles and expectations and be prepared to adapt induction supports based on the functions that an individual SISP will perform in your system. This also includes providing specialized training for SISPs, as well as teachers, that addresses the unique challenges they face in their classrooms.

School Support Staff

Often referred to as Teaching Assistants (TA’s) or LSA’s, school support staff aren’t qualified teachers but work alongside them and assist with students. They may carry out specific tasks set by the teacher or help students with additional needs such as behavioural issues.

Some school support roles include ICT technicians who monitor all software within the school and ensure there aren’t any problems. Exam officers (also known as invigilators) oversee any examinations taking place and are on hand to solve any technical questions that arise. Attendance officers are responsible for monitoring attendance across the school and addressing any pupils who have low attendance. Site managers or caretakers look after any maintenance issues and are also in charge of health and safety.

Studies show that out-of-school factors such as medical, social and emotional distress can seriously affect a student’s ability to learn. School support staff can help address these issues before they reach the headteacher’s office.

Administrative Support Staff

Administrative support professionals complete various clerical and office duties within the workplace. They utilize skills like customer service, data entry, and organizational skills to complete daily tasks. However, administrative support specialists differ from executive administrators, who generally earn a higher annual salary.

Managing administrative staff helps supervisors focus on core business operations and client relationships. Whether answering phones, running reports, or abating concerns, administrative support staff can be critical to the success of a company.

Strong communication skills are crucial for administrative support specialists to have. Often, they need to relay information between departments, clients, and management. They also use these skills when interacting with employees. Additionally, they need to be able to solve problems that arise during their workflow, such as determining the best way to handle a project or obtain office supplies. This type of decision-making may require them to consult other personnel for guidance. Typically, this position requires a high school diploma or equivalent experience.

How to Make Schools a Better Place For Learning

Schools are places for teaching and learning. They usually include classrooms, a cafeteria or dining hall, and playgrounds. Some also have special rooms for science or industrial arts education.

Often, children who have a good school experience enjoy learning and do well in it. This is because they feel attracted to it.

1. Prioritize learning over grades

Schools should be a place where students learn to appreciate learning. They should help students gain the knowledge, skills, and values they need to face life’s challenges.

School should also be a place where students are encouraged to think creatively, take initiative and develop their problem-solving skills. Instead, too many students focus on getting good grades. This obsession with grades is not only annoying to teachers, but it limits students’ ability to become innovative and critical thinkers.

Some educators have shifted away from the traditional grading system to prioritize learning over grades. This shift does not mean lowering standards, but rather focusing on specific learning outcomes and providing quality formative assessment and feedback.

2. Incorporate fun games in class

Teachers often use games in class to provide fun formative assessment and to engage students in a positive competitive learning environment. These classroom games can take a variety of forms and can be used across a broad spectrum of subjects.

For example, you can have students draw a word or concept on their forehead and have other team members guess what the idea is within a certain timeframe. Another great variation is to play Taboo.

Another way to incorporate games in class is by transforming board games like Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders or Candy Land into learning games by adding vocabulary words, phonics sounds, math facts or formulas. These interactive games help students learn new content in a more engaging manner and promote teamwork.

3. Include games in the classroom

With 3.2 billion players worldwide, videogames have a massive reach that far surpasses music and cinema. This is why schools should include games in the classroom.

Classroom games breathe life into lessons and allow students to assimilate knowledge without even noticing it. They also provide a way for teachers to evaluate student progress without relying on traditional forms of assessment.

Most educational games require students to think quickly and solve problems. This gives students the chance to develop their logic and accuracy, which will help them become better problem-solvers later in life.

4. Inculcate reading habits

Reading habits are one of the important things that schools should inculcate in children. This is because it helps in the overall brain development of the child. Moreover, it also makes the children more curious and helps in improving their vocabulary.

Make it a point to read aloud in front of the kids. It will encourage them to read books in the future. Children generally learn by watching or imitating others. Therefore, parents should be a good role model when it comes to reading.

Encourage students to socialize around reading by arranging reading clubs, book groups and literature circles. This will help them find their genre of interest and become more interested in reading.

5. Follow a routine and schedule

Having routines and a schedule for classroom activities helps teachers stay on track with their workload. For example, a teacher can set up a system for when she will run copies and respond to parent emails. This frees up time for her to focus on instruction during class.

It’s also helpful to provide visual schedules for kids to help them follow a daily routine and keep track of their activities. Many children and youth act out when they are bored, and decreasing wait times between activities is one way to prevent that from happening.

6. Interact with kids

Whether your child is a preschooler or a teen, they need to know that you value their schooling. Show your interest by asking what they’re learning, how their homework went and if they need any help.

Kids can also feel safer when they are involved in a caring community. Attend school events to meet other parents and show your support for the school.

If your child says their teacher doesn’t like them, listen carefully to understand their perception. Then take it to the next level by speaking with a principal or other staff members.

7. Include stories in the lesson

Storytelling is a great way to engage students in the lesson and make learning fun. It also helps to create a more positive environment for learning and builds teacher-student rapport. Teachers should consider including stories in their lessons, especially in the early stages of the course.

For example, instructors can use a short story to illustrate an important course theme or to fill small gaps in the syllabus. Instructors should carefully consider each story to ensure that it serves the intended purpose and is not a tangent from the course material.

How Kindergarten Curriculum Helps Kids Develop Early Literacy and Math Skills


Kindergartens around the world provide a transition from home and preschool to classroom education. The curriculum helps children develop physical, social, emotional and cognitive skills.

Kindergarteners develop a better understanding of time and a set schedule. It is also a great time to help them learn to distinguish different shapes, and organize toys by size and color.


Learning the alphabet is an important first step to literacy. Children can build their knowledge of the alphabet through games, activities, and educational tools. They can practice their letter recognition through alphabet worksheets, tracing letters on a chalkboard or dry erase board, or playing a game like Alphabet Soup where they have to find a particular letter in a group of jumbled letters.

It’s also a good idea to teach the lower case letters as well as the uppercase, and make sure kids know the sounds of each letter. This will help them with their future reading skills. It is recommended to introduce sound-letter relationships in a slow and consistent manner. Teach high utility letters first, such as the letters in their name, and then move on to lower-utility letter-sound relationships.


Kindergarten students learn about the numbers from 0-10. They count objects to identify their quantity. They also learn to recognize a number and use it in writing, and they begin to understand how numbers work by solving addition and subtraction problems involving physical objects.

Repetition is essential to learning numbers. Children need to experience numbers multiple times – in class discussions, games, worksheets, centres and tablet activities. This helps them build understanding and fluency.

One fun way to teach kindergartners the numbers is through songs and rhymes. Singing numbers songs like ’10 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed’, ‘This Old Man Played One’, ‘The Ants Are Marching One by One Hurrah’ and others will help children remember them easily. These songs are not only entertaining but will help children develop a strong foundation for the more advanced math concepts that come later on in their school years.


Shapes are one of the most important math skills for kindergarten students. They help with brain development and thinking skills, as kids analyze and compare the objects around them. Learning shapes can also help with early math skills such as sorting and classifying, counting, and spatial relation.

Teach students about shapes by displaying a variety of real-world objects with different shapes on them, such as manhole covers, flags, and windows. Encourage them to name the shapes they see and repeat them back to you.

Kids can also practice their shape recognition by playing games that involve matching shapes with objects. For example, they can play a shape scavenger hunt game where they show a flash card with a shape such as a square and then search the room for objects that are a similar shape.


Kindergartners are naturally curious and ask questions about how the world works. That’s why introducing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) concepts this early is the best way to help kids become critical thinkers for life.

Kindergartners will likely not conduct complex scientific experiments, but they can learn basic principles such as observing and predicting (like how wind changes weather) or comparing objects’ physical properties, like color, shape, size, temperature, odor, and texture. They’ll also learn about animals, plants, and their life cycles and seasons. These are foundational skills for future academic success.


After children master the alphabet and can recognize stand-alone letters, they will work to string them together to read three- to five-letter words. They may also start to read simple stories and books.

In kindergarten, teachers should provide a variety of writing opportunities. For example, they can invite students to write letters or cards to friends or family members, create dioramas about their class field trips and/or classroom topics of interest, or create storybooks to record experiences in school and at home. They can also incorporate writing into daily activities, such as signing in at lunch time or creating an autograph book after a classroom field trip. Teachers can help build children’s generative knowledge of writing by encouraging parents to participate in similar activities at home.

What is Reading Intervention?

Reading intervention

Reading intervention is a program designed to improve the confidence of students with poor reading skills. It focuses on the specific learning style of each student, and is often based on their first language.

One study used a multi-element design to assess the effects of fluency and comprehension instruction on 4th grade students. Students in the treatment condition read a passage 2-4 times and received scaffolded assistance answering factual, inferential, and story structure questions.

It is a strategy to boost the skills of slow readers

Reading intervention helps students who are struggling to learn to read. It provides support and encouragement for students who need it, as well as a chance to build relationships with supportive peers. The strategies used in this approach include repeated and nonrepetitive reading, reading aloud with an accomplished reader, and a combination of these. The goal is to improve reading fluency and accuracy by practicing the same passage over again.

Reading skills are not natural, and it takes time to learn them. It is important for teachers to be patient and encourage their students to keep trying. Reading Rockets demonstrates how to effectively teach reading and literacy skills, including decoding multisyllable words and using context clues.

Standardized reading measures were stable during the baseline period and increased systematically during the intervention. Figure 2 shows growth curves of age-normed composite reading scores for participants who completed up to 160 hours of the intervention. The solid curve indicates that the curriculum has positive impacts on reading skills, while the dashed curve suggests diminishing returns with longer interventions.

It is a strategy to overcome language barriers

Reading intervention is a powerful strategy to help students overcome language barriers. It involves breaking down words into their individual parts and helping students understand how they fit together. This approach can also help students learn how to spell correctly. For example, it is important to teach students the meaning of prefixes, suffixes, and root words. This will help them figure out the meaning of new words and can even prevent them from making spelling mistakes in their reading.

Teachers should be patient with their struggling students and offer plenty of support. They should also keep in mind that every student learns at his or her own pace. Ultimately, students will improve if they are encouraged to continue trying.

A key to overcoming language barriers in reading is establishing effective school-to-home communication. This includes hosting parent-teacher conferences, providing language translators, and consistently updating parents through newsletters and phone calls. It is also important to provide resources to assist families in setting up their home environment in a way that promotes learning.

It is a strategy to boost the confidence of students

Reading intervention is a strategy that helps students learn to read and overcome language barriers. It involves one-on-one or small group instruction targeted toward the specific needs of the student. It includes a variety of activities that focus on five key areas: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students with low self-esteem are often reluctant to take risks when learning to read, which leads to poor results. To boost their confidence, teachers must build connections based on genuine respect and trust. These relationships encourage students to dig in and take the risky steps that are required for success.

Another effective strategy is to pair struggling students with more accomplished peers who act as reading tutors. This method is especially effective for young children, as it offers them opportunities to practice reading and build relationships with supportive adults. It also provides a sense of accomplishment, which is essential for boosting a child’s confidence. In fact, this approach can even reverse declining literacy rates, according to a recent report from Amplify.

It is a strategy to boost the skills of students with learning disabilities

Students with learning disabilities face a wide range of challenges when it comes to reading, including difficulty decoding words and interpreting meaning. These students need to be given specific, intensive reading instruction in order to become successful readers. In addition, they should be provided with an environment that is stimulating and motivating.

Identifying students who need intensive reading intervention requires an initial screening assessment that identifies students who have fallen below grade level. This can be done through teacher recommendations or group-administered standardized tests. In most cases, a specialist is needed to perform a more in-depth diagnostic assessment.

Reading clinics offer a specialized setting where teachers provide one-on-one instruction to struggling readers. This approach has been shown to improve reading skills and increase confidence among students with learning disabilities. It can also help them overcome language barriers and develop their social skills. It is important to note, however, that not all students with learning disabilities will respond positively to this type of intervention.

The Importance of Early Childhood Education

children education

Education helps children learn how to live a healthy life, which is very important for their health. It also builds their personality. An educated child is aware of his environment and society, he understands the importance of team work and discipline.

The most important thing in a child’s education is that he enjoys it! In this article, we will discuss how to make learning fun.


Curiosity is an innate and necessary part of the learning process for children at all ages. It stimulates interest, motivation and a sense of being alive.

Curiosity can be triggered by many things, including surprise and mystery. This is why it’s important to incorporate these elements into lesson content. To do this, try using texts with interesting or surprising accounts and information. Or, try activities that allow learners to predict, guess or solve problems.

Studies show that curiosity is fueled by the desire to understand unfamiliar stimuli. However, some people are more curious than others, and this has to do with both genetics and environment.


Imagination is the ability to picture situations and think creatively. It’s also the ability to take a perspective other than your own, which is critical for social development and understanding others.

Children use their imagination to explore the world around them. They may turn a stone into a race car or pretend that a puddle is a swimming pool. This is often called “pretend play.” It’s also important to give kids time and space to imagine.

It’s important to be aware of your child’s imagination to prevent them from becoming overly withdrawn or obsessed with imaginary friends. Excessive daydreaming can be harmful and if it continues into adolescence, can lead to isolation and self-pity. Learn more about how to help your child use their imagination by reading together and asking open-ended questions.


In a safe environment, with developmentally appropriate resources and clear instructions, children can learn to take charge of their own learning. This builds self-confidence and independence. It also helps them develop metacognitive skills – thinking about their actions and how they might improve.

Children are often taught to ask for help when they need it, but encouraging them to try to solve problems without adult intervention enables them to gain independence. It’s important to praise and encourage their efforts as they do so. This can be done verbally and with facial expressions as well, so that children can develop the language of self-talk about their thinking processes.

A child’s relationship with their parents is also a crucial element of education. They are their first teachers, especially in the early years – during the window of opportunity when brain development is at its highest.


Providing a high-quality education before age five yields significant medium and long-term benefits. The developmentally appropriate methods used in early childhood education (ECE) promote the holistic and socially equitable well-being of children and their families.

ECE provides children with an opportunity to learn from one another through activities that encourage social interaction, such as group games and art projects. In addition, teachers use guided participation and the zone of proximal development to support students in learning new concepts.

Teachers also help children develop their language and literacy skills as they explore, question and create with their peers. This builds their cognitive skills and helps them think more complexly about the world around them. They also work on emotional development, including self-control and the ability to show concern for others.

Education Support

education support

Education support is a charity that champions good mental health and wellbeing for teachers, lecturers and school staff. It was formed in 2015 from the merger of three sister organisations: Teacher Support Network, Recourse and Worklife Support.

It is impossible for schools to operate without the hard-working ESPs who keep children healthy and safe, prepare meals, drive buses, clean classrooms and offices. They are the backbone of every public school.

Education Supporter Job Duties

Education support staff work as a team alongside teachers in the classroom and perform a range of tasks to assist with the education process. This can include organising educational resources, providing photocopying assistance and preparing lesson plans. They may also be responsible for planning and scheduling excursions, incursions and other activities.

They may also be expected to take on a security role in the school environment. This can include taking on a duty roster for playground, car park and bus parking duties. In addition, they may be responsible for assisting with catering, cleaning and other administrative duties.

Children who are struggling to concentrate or who have behavioural issues often benefit from the empathy and patience of education support staff. They can help them to manage their behaviour and allow the teacher to focus on teaching. ESPs are the backbone of every school and deserve to be recognised for the important role they play. MSEA has a strong track record of supporting ESPs to win decent wages, improved working conditions and respect for their essential role in schools.

Education Supporter Salary

Education support professionals–paraeducators, food service workers, custodians and bus drivers–are essential to the school system. But they don’t earn enough to make ends meet, according to a new report by the National Education Association.

The NEA’s 2023 ESP Earnings report offers an in-depth look at the salary breakdown for these school-based employees, who work in K-12 schools and higher education. It reveals that most of these employees–37%, in fact–work at least one other job outside the classroom to make ends meet.

On average, these workers get paid about $10 per hour, and they have several weeks off for school holidays. Little on-the-job training is provided. Most schools give education support workers a brief orientation or grace period to observe other employees and students before they assume daily responsibilities. Positions at this level have a considerable degree of independence but operate under clear priorities and procedures with limited scope for deviation. Several types of leave are available to these employees, including the family and personal leave allowance and the annual leave purchase.

Education Supporter Job Requirements

To be an effective education support officer, you need to have a range of skills. You need a strong understanding of the developmental needs of children and the ability to communicate in ways that take this into account. You need to be able to assist students in creating educational plans, and you must be able to work as part of a team.

You also need to be able to organise resources, equipment and activities for the school, including incursions and excursions. You may be required to carry out administrative tasks such as photocopying and managing student records. You will also be responsible for maintaining classroom stationery and supplies.

Positions at this level are accountable for a specific function and have well-defined objectives and priorities. These are carried out in accordance with clear procedures, with a degree of scope for discretion on how the work is completed.

Education Supporter Job Outlook

Education support workers are vital to a school’s function and the students they work with. They often face challenges in their roles and require a level of sensitivity that takes into consideration the age of the children they interact with.

These professionals are also tasked with providing educational counselling to students on issues such as mental health, social development and learning styles. They can also help teachers create education programs and lessons.

They may be responsible for creating partnerships with external resources that can assist with career development, further education or technical training. They can also provide assistance to families with paying for child care expenses, course fees or license and testing fees.

The NEA has found that education support staffers are more diverse than the teacher workforce, but they aren’t making a living wage. It is important that they be given recognition for their contributions to the educational system and be allowed to enjoy the same pay, benefits, and working conditions as other school-based personnel.

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