Kindergarten – A Bridge Between Preschool and Primary School

Kindergarten is a bridge between the less structured environment of preschool and the more structured primary school classroom. It helps kids become accustomed to the routine of regular classroom learning and understand the basics of their teacher’s expectations.

Children build fine motor skills and gain confidence in their ability to work away from home. They learn how people near and far are alike and different, and explore their cultures.


Kids in kindergarten will learn the alphabet and letter sounds, begin spelling patterns and sight words, and practice writing. They’ll also gain a foundation for reading with the Calvert Language Arts curriculum.

Kindergarten is a preschool educational approach involving playing, singing, practical activities such as drawing, and social interaction. It was established in the 18th century in Germany, Bavaria, and Alsace to allow children whose parents worked outside the home to have a place to go during the day. It was introduced by German pedagogue Friedrich Frobel, who’s approach has globally influenced early-years education.

In the UK, kindergarten is known as nursery or pre-school. It’s a year of preparation for compulsory schooling which begins at age six with Class 1 of primary school. Kindergartens are more readily available in large and medium-sized cities where the economy is well developed.


Parents can support their children’s learning by encouraging the use of math in everyday activities. Even something as simple as helping a child to sort and classify toys, or by making a height chart of their own growth, is an excellent way for kids to build early math skills.

Kindergartners develop an understanding of addition and subtraction within 10. They also learn to decompose numbers into pairs and groupings.

Counting, basic shapes, and number sense are essential kindergarten math topics. In addition to this, a child will also learn how to write numbers (symbols and numerals), and understand that they represent objects. Kindergartners will also start to recognize patterns. This is an important step as they prepare to advance their mathematical knowledge in later grades.


At this age, children are naturally curious and eager to make sense of their world. The goal of kindergarten science instruction is to channel this natural curiosity and need for understanding into inquiry that focuses on basic phenomena and materials.

Ideally, the scientific concepts selected for children to explore must be ones that are readily accessible and drawn from their daily experiences in the environment. For example, if children are exploring snail movement, the phenomenon should be one that can be explored over a sustained period of time indoors and outdoors with multiple materials.

By engaging in hands-on scientific exploration, young children develop an understanding of the environment and learn about how everything is connected. They also develop a growth mindset and become confident in their ability to learn.

Social Studies

Social studies, traditionally viewed as a core subject for students in elementary school, has taken a back seat to reading and math instruction since the 2001 passage of No Child Left Behind. But a well-rounded education must include social studies to nurture knowledgeable and engaged citizens from the earliest grades.

The foundation for critical thinking skills is established in early childhood, and integrating social studies lessons allows teachers to leverage children’s natural curiosity about people and their world. It also provides a way to normalize cultural diversity in a world of increasing globalization.

Social studies topics that can be taught in kindergarten include flags and symbols, community maps, storytelling, and exploration of different government, economic, and social traditions. Lessons may require additional resources to be successful, such as maps, pictures, and historical books on particular cultures.


The art classroom is a great place for kindergarten students to develop their imaginations and fine motor skills. This age group can work with a variety of media, including drawing, painting, sculpting, and weaving.

Help students learn the alphabet with this project that uses their hands as a frame to paint letter shapes. Encourage them to add color or patterns with chalk markers. Kids love salt painting, especially when the resulting prints can also serve as a one-of-a-kind tee.

Introduce process art with this idea for a paper line sculpture. Kindergarteners aren’t required to make their lines resemble specific objects or structures, so they can let their imaginations soar! Show students how to use an old credit card or gift card as a paint scraper for more open ended fun.

Kindergarten – A Bridge Between Preschool and Primary School
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